Chapter 862 Lin Jiao'e

Chapter 869

It is undeniable that Lin Jiao'e's dancing posture is very beautiful, and it can be seen that she has put in a lot of effort to learn it. If an ordinary man sees such a beauty and such a dancing posture, his soul will be taken away, but Chu Tianqi is not An ordinary man was born in the palace since he was a child, and there are many dancers in the palace. He has seen better dancing postures before, so there is nothing unusual about it.

He was born as a crown prince, and now he is the emperor. What he wants is naturally the best. Lin Jiao'e is obviously not the best. No wonder her name is not on the list of imperial sisters.

Chu Tianqi smiled lightly: "Very good, reward."

Lin Jiao'e's pretty face was flushed, her breathing was unstable due to dancing, her chest heaved rapidly, and even Xie En's voice trembled.

Zhongwen put a piece of mung bean cake into the dish in front of Rong Yue, and said in a low voice, "Eat some, you should be hungry later." He poured another cup of tea for her, and replaced the bowl in front of her. wine glass.

She smiled like a flower, and reached out to snatch the wine glass from his hand: "I'm happy today, I want to have a drink."

He had nothing to do with her, he squeezed her hand lightly under the table, and said in a low voice, "Don't get drunk and act like a drunk."

With winking eyes, she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass, tears and the mellow wine slipped down her throat.

It was a happy day, and she buried all her sorrows deep in her heart. Her younger brother finally grew up and was about to start a family.

Royal father, queen mother, have you seen it?

The two brothers and sisters seemed to be in touch with each other, their eyes collided in the air, and they saw the sadness hidden deep in each other's eyes.

"My daughter is willing to dance swords for the emperor."

The one who spoke was Ai Qianxun, the youngest daughter of Mr. Ai, the left servant of the Ministry of Justice.

Fourteen years old, tall and slender, with a handsome face and a heroic brow.

Ai Qianxun also seemed to be not on the roster, he nodded with a light smile: "Yes!"

Sword dancing is different from ordinary dancing, and requires higher body toughness. It needs a combination of rigidity and softness. While dancing beautifully, it also needs to have a heroic posture.

After all, she is a woman, and she still lacks a bit of flavor when dancing with a sword. Tian Qi looked bored, and naturally looked elsewhere. The most eye-catching person in the palace must be Princess Luo Ji.

This girl is extremely beautiful, her eyes are exactly the same as the eyes of Huang Jie's previous life, and her face is completely different, and her beauty is different from Huang Jie's. Just looking at such a pair of eyes and such a face, beauty is beautiful, so To him, it seemed very strange.

King Liao, who was beside Princess Luo Ji, had been paying attention to the emperor. Seeing the emperor staring at his daughter, he was in a better mood. As the saying goes, the hero is sad and the beauty passes, and the emperor is no exception. His daughter is the number one in Western Xinjiang. The title of beauty is not called for nothing.

It seems that half of the work has been done, as long as Luo Ji exerts some strength while playing the piano, this matter will be completed.

Thinking of this, he saw that the emperor had already looked away, so he tilted his head and lowered his voice and said, "Behave well in a while, and make sure this little emperor dreams of you."

Luo Ji was silent, neither should nor refused.

Luo Xiucheng was a little annoyed, and said in a deep voice: "You'd better be obedient, otherwise, it's hard to say whether your mother's life can be saved."

Luo Ji's eyes turned red immediately, and she stared at her father beside her. Does he deserve to be a father if he said such a thing?

Although she has learned Master Yuandao's Dementor Demon Voice, she has never used it on anyone, not because she can't, but because she doesn't want to.

When she first learned this skill, she didn't know that this sound could be haunting, otherwise, she would never learn it.

(End of this chapter)

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