Chapter 863
Chapter 870

Now, the father is threatening the life of the mother and forcing her to seduce the emperor with the sound of the piano. If she does it, she will be immoral, but if she does not, it will be unfilial and righteous.

In a dilemma, what should she do?
She raised her eyes, and her eyes were facing Princess Chu Yue. Her smile was light and gentle. As always, she nodded slightly at her, and then blinked her eyes, as if she was promising her something.

But she didn't understand, what exactly did she want to tell her?
After a while, she saw Princess Chu Yue get up, and accompanied by her maid Liang'er, she turned and entered the side hall.

She thought for a while and got up too.

King Liao grabbed her and said, "Where are you going?"

Luo Ji lowered her eyes: "Father, there are three urgencies in people. Don't worry, Father, I will not let mother do nothing."

Hearing this, King Liao felt relieved and said with a smile: "Go, come back quickly, the emperor is still waiting to hear you play."

Luo Ji blessed her father, turned around and walked towards the side hall.

Rou'er originally followed her, and when she was about to enter the side hall, Liang'er appeared out of nowhere, grabbed her, and asked with a smile: "Sister Rou'er, are you here too?"

Rou'er wanted to break free, but found that Liang'er was so strong that she couldn't break free at all, so she responded with a smile: "Yes, I came with the princess, can my sister let me go?"

Liang'er didn't let go, she smiled mysteriously, probed and said: "I heard that the emperor will give rewards to all those who attended the banquet, and we will have them too."

When Rou'er heard this, she immediately became interested: "Really? I will too?"

"Of course, everyone has it, and you are no exception."

"What are you rewarding?" Rou'er was just a maid after all, and she followed her unfavorable master with very little oil and water. When she heard that there was a reward from the emperor, how could she stay calm.

Liang'er smiled and said: "Of course it's a good thing, I don't know what it is, why don't we ask an older sister?"

Rou'er was a little hesitant, it was convenient for the princess to enter the side hall, she should have been by her side: "But the princess—"

Liang'er smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about that, there is a maid in the hut in the side hall, and you are not needed, just wait for her when you come back after asking."

After hearing this, Rou'er had no scruples, and immediately followed Liang'er happily.

In the side hall, Rong Yue saw Luo Ji coming in, immediately grabbed her hand, and dragged her to the garden outside the hall.

"Princess, what do you mean?" Although Luo Ji was full of doubts, she didn't struggle to shout, and obediently let her drag her into the garden.

After Qi Rongyue checked around and made sure there was no one there, she smiled and said, "I brought you here to talk, don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions."

Luo Ji naturally knew that she had no malicious intentions, otherwise she would not have allowed her to drag her so far. Although she had only met the princess a few times, the two hit it off very well, and she had an indescribable trust in the princess.

Rong Yue said: "I know that you are not sincerely willing to participate in such a banquet, and I also know that your father is forcing you to do things you don't want to do."

Luo Ji was surprised, how could she know?Is it obvious what she does?

"How do you know? Who told you?" asked Loki.

Rong Yue smiled and said: "No one told me, I guessed it myself, Sister Luo Ji, I have heard your piano, I know you are a pure person, you are different from your father, Yuan Dao's dementor sound , I know you will."

Luo Ji was even more surprised: "Do you know the Dementor's voice?" There are not many people in this world who know the Dementor's voice, and there are only a few people, and they are all in the western border. She has lived in the capital for a long time, so how could she know about the Dementor's voice? sound?

(End of this chapter)

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