Chapter 864
Chapter 871

Rong Yue nodded: "Dementor's magic sound is the unique skill of your master Yuandao. I heard that it is very powerful. Based on your piano skills, I think it is at least eight times his skill."

Luo Ji didn't make a sound, and looked at her in shock. Not only did she know the Dementor's voice, but she also knew that her master was Yuan Dao.

"Luo Ji, I asked you to come here to ask you a word."

Luo Ji regained consciousness, took a deep breath, and said, "What do you want to ask?"

"May I help you?"

Luo Ji was slightly stunned: "Why?"

"Because I want to help you, you are a good girl, you deserve to live a happy life instead of being pushed around like a marionette."

Rocky asked back, "Do you know what kind of help I need?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "I don't know, so I want to ask you."

Luo Ji thought of her mother who was far away in the western border, thought of the young emperor who sat on the dragon throne with gentle eyes just now, and thought of the fate she had been unable to fight.

The heart that had already resigned to fate suddenly gave birth to a trace of rebellion. She wanted to gamble. If it was successful, she would take her mother and leave the palace and fly far away.

"Okay, I need your help."

Under the cold moonlight, Qi Rongyue showed her teeth and smiled lightly. It was a very ordinary face, but in Luo Ji's eyes, it was so beautiful that people couldn't open their eyes.

The two talked secretly for a while and then returned to the side hall, and went out one after another, pretending that they had never met or spoken to each other.

At this time, there were two more ladies in the palace who performed their performances, but they failed to capture the attention of the emperor.

Seeing his daughter coming back, King Liao hurriedly got up and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, my daughter has been learning the piano since she was a child. She is quite talented. After meeting a famous teacher, she will be very good at playing the piano. Why don't you ask the lady to play the piano for the emperor."

Tian Qi turned his eyes to look at Qi Rongyue, she nodded imperceptibly, and took a piece of cake with her hand, put it to her mouth and took a bite.

Tian Qi understood, and said to King Liao: "Yes!" He secretly stuffed a Qingxin pill given to him by Huang Jie into his mouth while raising his glass to drink.

The pill melted in the mouth, a burst of coolness rushed straight to the forehead, and this coolness continued all the time, all the troubles and depression in the heart just now were swept away at this moment, and the heart was clear and clear.

The court lady set up a low table with a soft cushion in the center of the hall, and Rou'er hurriedly placed the Baoqin that she had learned so hard on the low table.

As soon as the Baoqin came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. The gems inlaid on the body of the piano were shining brightly and beautifully under the illumination of the palace lanterns.

Luo Ji got up and walked to the center of the hall. Her stunning appearance made the female relatives present both envious and jealous.

She sat down in front of a few desks, clasped the strings of the qin with her slender fingers, and flicked out a song of "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix".

The melody is clear and graceful, just like a phoenix bird searching for the traces of the phoenix in the sky, crossing the high mountains and the wide sea, from the end of the world to the cape, looking for the trace of the man, the state of mind that cannot be loved, the feeling of being rejected by the beloved. Bitterness, all kinds of emotions, are vividly displayed in this ethereal piano sound.

However, because of the different moods of the hearers, the thoughts and thoughts in their minds are even more different, but this sad emotion spreads to everyone without exception.

Of course, Chu Tianqi, Qi Rongyue and his wife, as well as Luo Xiucheng, who was used to listening to the devil's voice, had to be removed.

Except for the four of them, all the people present burst into tears, their emotions were extremely sad, and what's more, they were already crying loudly.

Chu Tianqi looked at the scene in front of him in amazement, and finally understood what Huang Jie had worried about earlier. The dementor voice was really amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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