Chapter 870
Chapter 877

After all, Xiao He has been with her master and servant for many years, and she still has feelings. Although she couldn't bear it in every possible way, she finally turned into a choked voice: "Xiao He, don't worry, after this incident, if the little princess is gone, I will have her." If you have a chance to stand up, as long as I return to the seat of the princess, I will definitely bring all your family members to the palace to enjoy the blessings."

What Xiao He could say was to thank her bitterly, a promise that Ms. Xie might not be able to keep.

The next day, the master and the servant went to the garden secretly, and saw the little princess playing on the swing from a distance, they didn't dare to continue watching, they came quietly, and then left quietly.

In Zhenyuan, the two waited restlessly, waiting for the arrival of the storm.

However, they waited all afternoon and then all night, but the imagined storm did not appear.

Xue Baozhen sent someone to inquire, and learned that there was indeed a problem with the swing frame in the garden when the princess was playing, but because the princess was protected by a girl, she was not injured, so the prince and princess did not investigate the matter, and sent them out at will. Someone went to fix the swing set.

Xue Baozhen was stunned for a while after hearing the news. Was all her efforts in vain?

Xiao He breathed a sigh of relief, although she had already made up her mind to take the blame for her master, but after all, no one is willing to die, even ants are stealing their lives, let alone human beings.

Seeing Miss's dejected look, Xiao He hurriedly comforted her: "Miss, our days are still long, there will always be opportunities."

Xue Baozhen glanced sideways at Xiao He, and said with a half-smile, "You must be very happy now, right?"

Xiao He hurriedly knelt down: "This servant dare not."

Xue Baozhen looked at the terrified Xiao He for a while, and finally stretched out his hand to help her up, and said with a forced smile, "You should be happy, and I am also very happy. It is a blessing that you can continue to stay by my side."

Xiao He stood up with the support of the young lady, her heart was beating a small drum, and she didn't dare to respond casually.

Xue Baozhen said again: "I thought the prince would thoroughly investigate this matter, but it seems that he doesn't really feel sorry for this daughter. I think so, the prince is the only son of the Zheng family, he must want a son, and now he likes this daughter , but because he has no other children, once he has other children, will he still like a little girl alone?"

Xiao He looked at the young lady with an unpredictable expression in front of her, and asked, "Miss, what do you want to do?"

She smiled, and there was a sense of determination in the desolation.

"You go to Xue's residence and deliver a letter to my mother." She turned around and walked to the desk, quickly wrote a letter, and asked Xiao He to send it away immediately.

When Xiaohe came back, she brought a woman with her, who she said was a female doctor sent by Mrs. Xue to recuperate the young lady's body.

Xue Baozhen sent Xiao He outside to watch the door, and had a secret conversation with the female doctor in the room.

"Are you the female science master that mother often mentions?"

The woman smiled lightly and shook her head: "I don't dare to be a sage, but I just know a little bit, and I hope I can share the worries for Zhenfei."

The more humble a person is, the more likely he is to be a hidden person.

Xue Baozhen didn't bend the corner, and went straight to the point, "Doctor Fu, do you have a way to make a woman conceive after a single engagement?"

Dr. Fu raised his eyebrows slightly, she didn't expect this concubine Zhen to speak so bluntly.

"Of course there is, but I don't recommend it."

Xue Baozhen was puzzled: "Why?"

Dr. Fu said: "If you are eager for success, you will lose your profit. A woman's pregnancy is about a chance. If this chance becomes inevitable, you must use medicine. The medicine is three-point poisonous, and it will even affect the body. It will be very detrimental to raising a baby in the future.”

(End of this chapter)

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