Chapter 871 The Opportunity Comes
Chapter 878

Xue Baozhen's eyes are already red, she wants to win Jun's favor, how can she control what will happen in the future, if she can't even take a step forward, what is the future?
Under Xue Baozhen's strong request, Dr. Fu had no choice but to leave a prescription, and then confiscated the reward, and left the palace in a hurry. The consequences of such a thing were unpredictable, and she dared not accept such money.

Three days later, Luoxiucheng, king of Liao, handed over a post to the palace, and Zheng Zhongwen hosted a banquet to entertain him.

This matter quickly reached Xue Baozhen's ears when King Liao entered the mansion. She was very excited and thought that the opportunity had come.

After Xue Baozhen dressed up carefully, she sneaked into the pine garden. Liang'er, who was in the moon house, saw Xue Baozhen's sneaky figure from a distance, and went into the house to report to the princess.

Qi Rongyue's gaze was always on the scroll in her hand, her face was calm: "She will do whatever she wants, she is the one who committed suicide, and she has no one to blame."

Xue Baozhen sold well in front of Luo Ji, but Lai stayed in Pine Garden and refused to leave. When someone came to invite Luo Ji to the banquet hall, she followed Luo Ji very naturally. As a master, she can't say much.

When the two came to the banquet hall, King Liao and King Side-by-Shoulder had already sat down, and the princess had just arrived. Seeing Xue Baozhen coming with Luo Ji, there was no look of surprise on their faces, and they only quietly asked them to sit down.

Xue Baozhen's heart beat a small drum instead, what's going on?Qi Rongyue didn't take the opportunity to humiliate her, so she didn't even have the chance to pretend to be pitiful.

Luo Xiucheng saw that his daughter and the concubine rarely interacted with each other, and it seemed that they didn't get along very well, but he felt happy in his heart. He was afraid that Luo Ji's getting along too well with others would miss his background, so he followed suit. Can't bear to come to find out.

Luo Ji was overwhelmed with alcohol, and after drinking a small glass of wine, she said goodbye and left the banquet. Rong Yue glanced at Xue Baozhen lightly, got up, and left the banquet with an excuse.

Xue Baozhen pretended not to hear, and continued to sit in the banquet with a cheeky face, until the princess and Princess Luo Ji had left, then she stretched out her slender hand, holding the pot to pour wine for King Liao and Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen's face was always calm, and she didn't seem to be disgusted with her existence. She became more and more happy in her heart. It seems that the prince has enlightened. How can Chu Yue's mediocre appearance be worthy of sitting next to the prince?Only you deserve it.

After Luo Xiucheng had a few glasses of wine, he proposed to make it easier for him, so Zhongwen ordered his servants to take him there, while still sitting sideways at the table, he drank the glass that Xue Baozhen had just filled for him. .

Xue Baozhen's heart was about to jump out. After waiting for so long, she finally got the chance. She looked sideways at Xiao He and signaled her to take action with her eyes.

Xiao He understood, although she felt helpless in her heart, she had to do this, because she was born to be a maid.

A bone-bone incense was thrown into the censer, and wisps of charming fragrance soon drifted to every corner of the hall.

Zheng Zhongwen doesn't understand medicine or medicine, but he has excellent self-control and a very keen sense of smell. As soon as the fragrance entered his nose, he immediately sensed that something was wrong. Jump up, just like how he reacted when he mistakenly drank tea mixed with poison in the Zhou Dynasty.

This woman, as Rongyue expected, she can't do anything, and she will definitely do it again.

Taking advantage of Xue Baozhen's inattention, he stuffed a Qingxin Pill into his mouth, the cool feeling slipped into his throat, and the hot and dry feeling was suppressed by most of it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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