Chapter 872 The Green Hat

Chapter 881

Luoxiu City is still full of thoughts, and the anger has not been completely extinguished, but the clarity in his mind has returned a lot, knowing that things have become more complicated, he slept with the woman of the King Side by Side in the Palace of the Side by Side, such a big green hat, which man? Can you bear it?
When the passion dissipated, he was a little annoyed, he was not such an impulsive person before, how could he fall in love with this woman after drinking a few cups of yellow soup?

He put on his pants and turned his head to look at the alluring white carcass behind him. Could it be because he hasn't touched a woman for too long?
Xue Baozhen was weak and weak, and when she heard Sangui shouting, she was as startled as a little rabbit, and her blush cheeks gradually turned pale.

Luo Xiucheng didn't say anything, turned around and left the tea room.

Rong Yue said to Xiao He who was crying on the ground: "Go ask your young lady to come out."

Xiao He went obediently, picked up the young lady's clothes and went into the house along the way, and quickly helped her put them on.

Xue Baozhen was at a loss at this time, she grabbed Xiao He's hand: "What should I do? What should I do now?"

What does it mean to drop a rock on one's own foot?This is calling yourself to lift a rock and smash your own foot, which hurts your heart.

Xiao He shook her head: "Miss, this is the end of the matter, it's useless to say anything, let's accept our fate."

Accept fate?What fate?

Zheng Zhongwen stared at Luo Xiucheng coldly, with a dark face, and said angrily: "King Liao, how do you explain this matter?"

Luo Xiucheng was also a little confused, why did he do such a thing?
But this matter was indeed done, and someone caught a ready-made one, what else could he say?
"I did it wrong. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I drank too much and had sex after drinking. Don't blame me, why don't you just give this woman to me. I'll find another stunning beauty and bring it to your house." .”

This kind of thing really happened in the noble courtyard. Many concubines have low status, and it is not a new thing for them to be given away or exchanged by their husband's family.

But Xue Baozhen is different, she is not an ordinary concubine, she is the daughter of the majestic Yonglehou Mansion, she is the side concubine of the palace.

Zhong Wen snorted coldly: "King Liao said it lightly. Do you think it's as simple as wanting a girl in my mansion? She is the daughter of Yongle Hou Mansion. I can see it for the sake of the emperor and don't care about you, but You want to take her away, but it's not something I can decide with a word."

Luo Xiucheng understood what he meant, and it was nothing more than asking him to go to the Yonglehou Mansion to explain the matter clearly. It was not Zheng Zhongwen who drove him out for no reason, but Luo Xiucheng and the daughter of their Yonglehou Mansion. .

He didn't have to have this woman, but this woman's identity is also special, if it is not handled properly, this matter will come to the imperial court, and it is very likely that he wants his daughter to stay in the palace.

Balancing left and right, he nodded to Zhongwen: "Okay, I know what to do, I will take this woman away today, and I will formally come to apologize at another day, and I will deal with Yonglehou properly, and stand side by side Wang Dake can rest assured." He could tell that Zheng Zhongwen didn't care about this woman at all, and he wished he could take her away as soon as possible.

Xue Baozhen came out with Xiao He, and when she heard such words, she felt extremely sad. She was originally the daughter of the Marquis Mansion, but she was pushed around by men, and her noble coat was completely torn. Now she is as humble as mud.

Her resentful eyes fell on Zheng Zhongwen's body, and her tears kept falling. She still remembered that when she first met him, he was also frowning, with a troubled look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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