Chapter 874 Hurt My Daughter
Chapter 883

Mrs. Xue agreed: "Today you must explain clearly to me."

King Liao didn't care anymore, the matter had already happened, and sooner or later they would all know the truth, so why not just talk about it now, so as not to cause other troubles when the time comes.

The king of Liao got up and said to Mrs. Xue: "That's it. Today, the king went to visit his daughter in the Prince's mansion, and hosted a banquet for him. I was happy for a while and drank a few more glasses. You know, men sometimes drink too much." Afterwards, this king didn’t know why, but when the side-by-side king was away, he and Baozhen happened to have something that shouldn’t have happened, and happened to be bumped into by the side-by-side king, so I--" No need to elaborate on the following words, Everyone also understood in their hearts.

Mrs. Xue was so angry that she almost couldn't hold back her anger. Her daughter, the precious daughter she brought up carefully, actually had an improper relationship with another man at her husband's house, and her husband saw it with his own eyes. If they go out, their Xue family will stop being human.

Xue Baozhen burst into tears. The King of Liao had indeed forcibly had sex with her, but this force was based on the fact that she had used the fragrance of bones, and she was also the unreasonable party. The King of Liao did not investigate this matter carefully. Come out, if the King of Liao refuses to want her, she can't say anything. The current fate is that she has changed from the side concubine of the King of Liao to the side concubine of the King of Liao. If the matter can be concealed, the Xue family's face can be preserved , if she can't hide it, she will only die.

Seeing her daughter's pitiful eyes, what else can Mrs. Xue say?If you think about it with your toes, you can figure out what happened. It must be that the girl used Meiguxiang, but by mistake, the king of Liao got the Tao, and she hurt herself instead.

Xue Lin's complexion was even more blue, and his fists in his sleeves trembled slightly. He really wanted to rush forward and beat up the king of Liao who had polluted his sister's body.

The king of Liao saw that he had already said what he needed to say, so he said, "I will go back first, and your family will talk about your own words. I will send someone to pick up Baozhen later." After saying that, he didn't look back. gone.

Xue Lin rushed in front of Baozhen, pulled her away from her mother, and asked angrily, "Tell me, what's going on? It's all right, why did you get involved with this Liao king?"

Xue Baozhen shook her head desperately, her tears couldn't stop falling, she was also sad, her heart ached, but what could she say?Everything is self-inflicted.

Mrs. Xue pulled her daughter back to her side again, and said in a deep voice: "The matter has come to this point, it is useless to seek responsibility, let's think about how to seal the mouths of the people who stand shoulder to shoulder with the palace."

As long as the people in the side-by-side palace don't spread this matter to the outside world, their Xue family can keep their reputation, and Xue Lin can continue to stay in the Hanlin Academy, otherwise, the days of being poked in the back just won't last a day .

Furthermore, the King of Side-by-Shoulders is the person closest to and trusted by the emperor, if this matter is brought up to the emperor, and the emperor is furious, what will happen to the Xue family is really hard to say.

Xue Lin said: "Why should we block the mouth of the king who is shoulder to shoulder? This matter is our Xue family's fault."

Mrs. Xue snorted: "You stupid brain, who said that this responsibility belongs to our Xue family? It is obvious that the king of Liao had sex after drinking, and his conduct was bad, and he forcibly killed my daughter. Isn't it his fault that women can't protect themselves?"

(End of this chapter)

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