Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 875 Don't taste meat, don't eat meat, fresh meat is delicious.

Chapter 875 Don't taste meat, don't eat meat, fresh meat is delicious.

Chapter 884

It seems that there is some truth in saying this, Xue Lin was convinced, and nodded to his mother: "Okay, I will go to the Palace of the Prince and find out the words of the Prince."

Xue Lin didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately rushed out of the courtyard.

Mrs. Xue glanced coldly at her daughter-in-law, who hurriedly lowered her eyes to avoid her gaze, expressionless, Mrs. Xue snorted, glanced at the servants in the courtyard one by one, and said in a deep voice: "This matter You are the only ones who know about it, remember it all for me, this matter will rot in my stomach until I die, if there are any rumors outside, I will only ask you, and there will be no less."

After finishing speaking, he took his daughter back to the house to talk, and all the servants in the courtyard looked at Mrs. Li, who sighed lightly, waved his hand and said, "Remember Mrs. Tai's words, this matter must not be spread, nor can it be Gossiping in private, just pretend that you never knew about this, otherwise, when the Xue family is finished, you will not have a good life, remember?"

The servants are all people close to Mrs. Li, and they are also smart people. They can clearly understand the pros and cons.

"It's all gone." Li Shi waved his hand, his temples throbbed and throbbed, and it hurt a lot.

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, the girl who served her personally hurriedly helped the master back to the house.

"Ma'am, Missy doesn't look like this type of person, how could this—"

Mrs. Li shook her head: "People change. When she was in the mansion, she was a daughter of a thousand golds. She put on airs all day long and looked pure and pure. That's because she was not married. This woman, once married People, all airs will be worn away, especially if you marry a man who doesn't take yourself seriously, that's even more——cough cough—cough cough cough." Li Shi coughed, and her fair complexion immediately turned pale. It was red, and the veil covering her mouth was stained with blood. She smiled wryly, and she was still talking about airs. She was tortured to the point of death by a man who didn't love her.

East Court
"Baozhen, what's going on here, tell mother the truth." Mrs. Xue dragged her daughter into the room, and asked someone to guard the door outside, only the mother and daughter were talking inside the room.

Xue Baozhen couldn't make a sound, she kept shaking her head and refused to say, how could she say such shameful words?

Can she say that she was really unwilling before, but later it became half-hearted?
If it wasn't so, then she was shoulder to shoulder with the palace, how could she be taken over by King Liao.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Xue hurriedly patted her on the back: "Son, don't cry, mother doesn't ask about this, don't ask, then tell mother, what are you thinking now? Are you really going to follow Luo Xiucheng?" ?"

Xue Baozhen stopped crying, and looked at her mother with tears in her eyes: "Mother, do I have any other choice? I am already his person now, what can I do if I don't follow her?"

Mrs. Xue shook her head: "As long as you refuse, mother will resign from him. I think he won't make things difficult for you. After all, he doesn't care about this matter."

Xue Baozhen thought of the Prince Liao who had been with her in the palace just now. He was handsome, majestic, mature and domineering. When she was with him, she felt the most wonderful feeling of being a woman.

Don't taste meat, don't eat meat, fresh meat is delicious, how can you give up meat lightly after tasting it once?

In the side-by-side palace, she spends her days in the empty boudoir in desolation day and night. She doesn't want to live like that again.

"I will." She blushed, and there was a bump on her chest.

It turns out that empathy is such a simple matter.

(End of this chapter)

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