Chapter 876 Not even a maid.

Chapter 885

Mrs. Xue is a person who has been here. Seeing her daughter like this, there is still something she doesn't understand. She felt very painful in her heart, and she suddenly pulled herself away: "It's my fault. If I could persuade you to be a little bit better at the beginning, don't act like that for a while." Angry, even if you were divorced, with the relationship between our Xue family, you can always find a suitable in-law's family, and now you have ended up like this, I am guilty!"

Xue Baozhen hurriedly grabbed her mother's hand, and cried, "Mother, I don't blame you for this matter, it's because I was too capricious. The matter has come to this point, it's useless to say anything, mother, you just follow me."

Mrs. Xue wiped her tears, held her daughter's hand tightly, and choked with sobs: "Son, you have to think clearly, this Liao Palace is far away in Xizhou, if you follow him, you will follow him to Xizhou , I heard that Princess Liao is not easy to get along with, she is cruel and merciless, you are a side concubine, she is the main concubine, maybe she will hurt you in some way." And no matter how long their Xue family's hands are, they will not be able to grow to Xijiang. At that time, she will really cry every day, and the earth will not work.

Xue Baozhen thought of the appearance of King Liao just now, when he looked at her, the occasional tenderness flashed in his eyes, he should protect her, with him protecting her, what is she afraid of?
"Mother, I will take care of myself. Princess Liao has been married to King Liao for ten years. She must have grown old and discolored. If I go back with King Liao, I will definitely win King Liao's favor. Mother, didn't you say that for a woman It is the most glorious thing in a woman's life to find a man who likes and loves herself."

Mrs. Xue nodded. She did say that, but could Luoxiu City really be that man?The man who loves her and protects her all her life?Why is she so worried?I really wish I could go to Xijiang with my daughter.

The time spent together like this always passed quickly, the person sent by King Liao to pick up Xue Baozhen had already arrived at Xue's residence, and the side-by-side Prince's residence also sent someone to carry her dowry into Xue's house.

These dowries belonged to Xue Baozhen, and now it was inconvenient for King Liao to leave these things in the place where he was temporarily staying in the capital, so he asked her to put them in Xue's residence first, and when he left the capital, he would take them with him to Xijiang.

That night, Xue Baozhen lay on the bed in Luoxiu City.

She was full of shyness, dressed in tulle and covered with a thin brocade quilt, looking shyly at Luoxiu City who was walking towards her step by step.

Luo Xiucheng pinched her chin, looked at her for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "The side-by-side king is really generous, he gave me a beauty like you without blinking." He shrewdly narrowed his eyes He didn't think deeply about it in the Palace of Side by Side before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, this absurd drunken disorder does not seem to be that simple.

He is not a hot-blooded young man of fifteen or sixteen years old. His daughter is fourteen years old. He has slept with countless women over the years, many of whom are prettier than Xue Baozhen. Why did he suddenly lose control of her?

This is unbelievable, unimaginable, not to mention that he was not drunk at the time, even if he was really drunk, he would not do such a thing to other people's wives and concubines in other people's houses.

Xue Baozhen's heart ached, Zheng Zhongwen was really generous, Luo Xiucheng said he wanted to take her away, but he didn't give up at all.

Even after she did such a thing with another man, she couldn't see a trace of anger on Zheng Zhongwen's face. To Zheng Zhongwen, she might not even be as good as a maid.

Luo Xiucheng's eyes slid down from her face, fell on her slender white neck, and fell on her hazy skin under the tulle.

(End of this chapter)

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