Chapter 877 Something Broken

Chapter 886

Looking at her like this at this time, in this ambiguous atmosphere, didn't he not have that hot impulse?
"My lord, you're hurting me." She caressed his hand with her green fingers, her eyes glowing with joy, her voice was extremely charming, she never thought that she could make such a charming voice, Those vixen concubines in father's residence are exactly the same.

Luo Xiucheng smiled slightly, let go of the hand that was pinching her chin, grabbed the brocade quilt covering her body with his big hand, and lifted it heavily, the beautiful and graceful figure under the brocade quilt appeared in front of his eyes.

Thinking of the ecstasy in the side-by-side palace before, the primitive masculine impulse in the body began to move around.

After the work was over, when the sound of panting gradually subsided, he got up suddenly and began to put on his clothes.

Xue Baozhen looked surprised: "Where is the prince going?"

Luo Xiucheng didn't look at her, got out of bed, picked up the robe thrown on the ground, put it on, and said softly: "My king's room is next door."

Xue Baozhen was puzzled: "Will the prince not rest here?"

Luo Xiucheng had already fastened his belt neatly at this time, looked back at her, and said with a half-smile: "Not all women who have slept with this king are eligible to sleep peacefully next to this king's pillow."

After saying that, he strode away, leaving the stunned Xue Baozhen behind.

What does he mean by this?Does that mean she doesn't deserve to sleep next to his pillow?
So what does he think of her?A tool to vent/desire?

A prostitute who comes and goes when she is called?
Prostitutes still have money to earn, but what about her?Carrying a generous dowry to rush to warm his bed?
It seemed that something was broken, and there was a loud sound, and the tears were all over my face without knowing it.


It is said that Xue Lin came and asked Zheng Zhongwen to see Zheng Zhongwen, but Zheng Zhongwen didn't refuse him, and ordered someone to invite him to the hall.

Thinking of what her mother said, Xue Lin kept a straight face at the beginning, and asked Zheng Zhongwen Xingshi: "Shoulder King, you are a King Side by Side, my sister married to your palace in a good manner, how long has it been, and such a scandal has happened? .”

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "This king didn't ask you Master Xue Jiaxing to ask for such a scandal, but you would preemptively strike."

Xue Lin said: "Are you asking our Master Xue Jiaxing for your crimes? Why are you? My sister is a victim. As her husband, you can't even protect your own woman, and let her—let her stay in your own mansion By another man—" He couldn't speak, his eyes widened and he glared at Zheng Zhongwen.

Zheng Zhongwen sneered: "I saw her having sex with that man with my own eyes. It didn't look like she was being forced. Although this happened in my palace, even though I am the master of this palace, I can't prevent it." A branch of red apricot that sticks out of the wall."

"I drank with King Liao, and I didn't invite her to come. It's fine for her to come uninvited. Both the princess and the princess left with excuses, but she refused to leave, and even took advantage of me to go to the toilet. At that time, I hooked up with King Liao. A person like her should be soaked in a pig cage, but for the sake of your Xue family and the grievances she suffered in the past, I don’t care about her. It was her own choice that King Liao left."

 Ask for a monthly ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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