Chapter 880 The Path I Chose
Chapter 889

"As I thought, there must be another conspiracy, but don't worry, Zhongwen has sent someone to follow him secretly. If there is any change, there will be a letter to Beijing immediately."

Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief: "It's so good, I really hope everything goes well." She has been completely disappointed in this father, ten years of hardships, all her respect and love for him have long been worn out. Clean, only resentment and hatred left.

She patted the back of Luo Ji's hand and said with a smile: "He will leave tomorrow, and I will take you out tomorrow. You have been in Kyoto for so many days, and you haven't been out yet. The lushness of Kyoto is far better than that of Western Xinjiang."

Luo Ji smiled wryly: "Even though it is the luxuriance of the western border, I have never seen it with my own eyes. All I know and think are what my master said."

When mentioning her master, Rong Yue asked: "I always hear you mention master, he seems to be nice to you, have you ever thought of asking him for help?"

Luo Ji sighed softly: "Why didn't I think about it, I thought that his heart and mine were the same, but who knew, everything was my own sentimentality, he never saw me in his eyes, occasionally Tenderness and obsession are all remembering another girl, he doesn't care about my life or death, let alone who I will marry and what kind of life I will live."

Rong Yue frowned slightly, and looked up at Luo Ji's eyes that were almost exactly the same as her predecessor's. She said that Yuandao was kind to her, just to remember another girl, could it be——

This is not a good thing, Yuan Dao is a very powerful person, he is domineering and unreasonable, if he knows that she is actually still alive, he probably won't let her go.

Fortunately, fortunately, her current identity is Chu Yue. She lives in this world with another identity and another face. He will never know that she is Chu Tianyu.

"What's the relationship between your master and King Liao?" Rong Yue asked.

Luo Ji shook her head: "I don't know, the master has always treated people coldly, and there is never a smile on his face. They occasionally meet in my courtyard, and they don't communicate too much, so they can't see the relationship. , I don’t know anything about it.”

Rong Yue said: "Forget it, since you don't know, then don't think about it."


As soon as it was dawn, Xue Baozhen was woken up by the noise outside the door. She squinted her eyes and shouted: "Xiao He, what time is it?"

Xiao He, who was lying at the end of the bed, got up, walked to the window and looked out, then turned to Xue Baozhen and said, "Miss, it's time."

At this time, a man with a rough voice came to their room door and shouted inside: "Concubine Zhen, my lord has asked the younger one to inform you. My lord has something important to do, so I will take a step ahead. You follow my little one." The few of them are now leaving to return to Western Xinjiang."

Xue Baozhen immediately sat up: "He left? He left by himself? Abandoning me?"

The man outside the door said: "Concubine Zhen, don't blame me, the prince has something important to do, so he has to go first, and I will leave a few young people to escort you back to Xijiang."

Xue Baozhen felt desolate, Luo Xiucheng was clearly unwilling to go with her, if he had the slightest heart to love her, he would not just leave her behind, she and Xiao He were just a few escorts, Western Xinjiang is thousands of miles away, can they really arrive safely?
However, the world is so helpless. Now that the bow has been fired, how can there be an arrow to turn back?

The road you choose, you have to walk step by step while kneeling.


Side by side with the palace and pine garden.

Rou'er opened her eyes wide and looked at Princess Luo Ji in front of her: "Princess Side by Side wants to take you out to play?"

(End of this chapter)

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