Chapter 881 Guilty
Chapter 890

Luo Ji nodded with a smile: "Yes, she said that we have never been to the city of Kyoto, take us to see, are you happy?"

Rou'er's face was a little embarrassed, she said with a dry smile, "Gao, I'm happy, I'm so happy."

"Let's go if you're happy." Luo Ji didn't notice Rou'er's strange reaction, and turned and walked out.

Rou'er hurriedly followed, muttering in her heart, usually she didn't see that she and Princess Side-by-side had a very good relationship, the time they talked the most was the time when Princess Side-by-side asked the princess for piano skills. See you, I don't see any special intimacy. The prince just left today, and they met to play together. This kind of change is too fast.

And looking at the appearance of the princess, he is obviously very happy, which is different from the past.

She met the prince the day before yesterday, and told him that the relationship between the princess and the side-by-side concubine was normal, and there was nothing special about it. Now, if the prince finds out, she will definitely be punished.

Thinking of this, Rou'er hastened to catch up, and said to Luo Ji: "Princess, we don't know the concubine very well, so it wouldn't be too good to just follow her out like this? Besides, I heard that there are many people in the capital city. People like you are very barbaric, with your appearance, if you are spotted by some prodigal son outside, how can you be lucky?"

Luo Ji smiled and said: "Silly girl, although we don't know each other well, the side-by-side princess is not. Can she go out without a guard? With her here, what else is there to worry about?"

Rou'er thought to herself, I am most worried about you trusting her like this.

She also persuaded: "Princess, the side-by-side princess is not familiar with us after all, and the prince has left the capital again. We should act carefully here, and don't ruin the prince's important affairs because of some small things."

Luo Ji frowned suddenly, her beautiful eyes turned, and a cold light flashed between her eyes. She stared at Rou'er, and asked in a deep voice: "What big thing are you talking about?" She only told Rou'er that her father The king asked her to choose a concubine, and never told her anything else. What is the big thing she said?
Rou'er knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said: "It's a big deal for the prince to let the princess stay in Beijing to choose a concubine."

Luo Ji raised her eyebrows, the doubts that suddenly arose in her heart could not be dispelled in one breath, she stared at Rou'er for a few breaths, and finally said without saying anything, "There is no conflict between playing and choosing a concubine, if you don't want to go, Just stay."

How dare Rou'er stay, she dare not leave the princess even a single step now.

"What are you talking about?" Rong Yue, who had originally stopped behind the bushes, came out slowly, and asked Luo Ji with a smile, her indifferent eyes swept over Rou'er's face, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

Feeling guilty, Rou'er hastily lowered her eyes to avoid it.

Luo Ji smiled and said, "I didn't say anything, sister, let's go."

The two left the palace together and got into the carriage waiting at the gate of the residence, while Liang'er and Rou'er sat in the carriage behind.

Liang'er glanced at Rou'er who was restrained, and asked with a smile, "Is this the first time my sister has come to Kyoto?"

Rou'er smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's the first time the princess and I have come to the capital."

"Compared to Xijiang, how is the capital city different?" Liang'er asked, showing curiosity.

Rou'er smiled and shook her head: "I entered the palace as a maidservant since I was a child, and I have been serving the princess at the age of seven. It has been eight years now. The princess is a daughter of a thousand gold, and she is pampered by the prince. , I am the personal girl of the princess, and the princess has never been out of the house, and so am I."

There was some sympathy in Liang'er's eyes, and she asked again: "Do you still have relatives?"

(End of this chapter)

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