Chapter 884 is Qi Rongyue

Chapter 893

Qi Rongxue snorted: "I will recognize anyone, but I will not recognize her. Even if she turns into ashes, I will recognize her."

Liang'er immediately turned cold, and said angrily: "This lady, please be more careful with what she says, you can't offend anyone."

Qi Rongxue sneered back: "Who is it that I can't afford to offend? Tell me, who is that lady I can't offend you're talking about?"

Liang'er is not stupid, why can't she hear her deliberate routine, sneered: "You will know soon." She turned around and left, disappearing in front of Qi Rongxue in the blink of an eye.

She wanted to chase, but she couldn't catch up at all. Instead, she was so tired that she was out of breath.

The girl who was carrying a lot of things from behind chased after her: "Madam, do you really know the lady just now?"

Qi Rongxue wasn't sure at the beginning, but just now that woman suddenly left quickly, that feeling is very familiar to her, Qi Rongyue once disappeared like this suddenly in order to get rid of her, this seems to be some kind of special step I don't know where she learned it from.

In short, she is very sure now that the person just now is Qi Rongyue, no doubt.

It's just hateful, she disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I didn't even figure out where she lived now.

The girl on the side said to Qi Rongxue: "Ma'am, the girl's attire just now is obviously not a girl from an ordinary family. She is wearing a fine brocade silk dress and the hairpin on her head looks ordinary, but she is definitely not an ordinary silver house. You can buy it here, it seems to be something from the palace.”

Qi Rongxue turned her head to look at the girl, and half-closed her eyes: "You know a lot, you can tell that the hairpin is something from the palace just by looking at it?"

The girl hurriedly said: "Returning to Madam, it's not because I have good eyesight, but I have seen this style of hairpin when I was serving Mrs. Tai before. Although they are not exactly the same, the patterns are very similar. Mrs. Tai cherishes it very much and said that it is from the palace. A reward at the annual banquet."

The girl raised her eyes to look at Qi Rongxue, and said: "Madam Tai also said that this kind of hairpin with bird feather pattern can not be made by anyone, only skilled craftsmen in the palace can make this kind of hairpin with bird feather pattern So lifelike."

Qi Rongxue frowned: "Are you serious?"

"How can a servant lie to Madam, what the servant said is true." The girl said.

Qi Rongxue believed this girl's words, she didn't need to lie to herself, besides, she was indeed serving Mrs. Tai before, and Mrs. Tai was a first-rank imperial order, so she was qualified to attend the annual banquet held in the palace.

"But that girl just now is obviously just a maid, why is she wearing a hairpin in the palace?" She thought of Qi Rongyue's previous identity, she was conferred the title of princess protecting the country by the emperor, and allowed her to live in the palace for a long time, so her girl would be better off. The rewards in the palace are not unusual, but later, didn't she marry the Zhou Dynasty and 'die' in the Zhou Dynasty?How could it appear in the Chu Dynasty for no reason now?
What the hell does this happen?

Seeing that she frowned and said nothing, the girl asked again, "Second young mistress, do you really know that lady just now? She doesn't seem to know you."

Qi Rongxue snorted coldly: "There must be a reason for her refusing to recognize me. I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in her gourd."

Qi Rongyue, oh Qi Rongyue, you didn't expect that I'm married into Wuchang Marquis Mansion, and I'm the second youngest mistress in the Marquis Mansion. In this capital city, I can speak well. If that person just now is really you, I, Qi Rongxue, will find you even if I dig three feet into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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