Chapter 885 But He Is Min Hengzhi

Chapter 894

She was suddenly a little excited, Qi Rongyue returned to court, she didn't even dare to reveal her true face, she must have been divorced by the King of Zhou, she would have no face to face others, that's when news spread that she died in a foreign country to cover up the scandal.

Heh——she just wanted to dig her out, stand in front of her, humiliate her condescendingly, in order to avenge the hatred of the past.


"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Luo Ji asked seeing that her expression was not right all the time.

Rong Yue smiled wryly, and sighed: "I didn't expect to meet the person I least want to see here."

"That lady just now, do you really know her?"

She nodded: "Yes, it's an old acquaintance. There was some unpleasantness between us. I didn't like her, and she didn't like me either. It can be said that she hated me very much, and even hated me. I thought I would never see each other again in my life. to her."

Qi Yongchun had been demoted by Tianqi back to Wuyuan, and became his former little county magistrate. She thought that their family had gone away and left the capital forever, but unexpectedly, there was still a fish that slipped through the net.

Luo Ji smiled softly: "Since you don't like her, then ignore her, sister, I'm hungry, take me to eat something delicious."

Rong Yue didn't want to stay in Changyuan Street any longer, so she led her to the Crane Tower, perhaps because she was used to it, she took her directly to the top floor.

Xiaoer smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that Madam came here today, this is the only room left."

There are a total of two private rooms on the top floor, one with the door open to receive guests, and the other with the door closed.

Xiao Er walked in front and made a gesture of invitation. The two were about to go in, but the door next door creaked open.

A tall figure walked out from the inside. He saw Rongyue standing with Luo Ji at a glance, and was immediately surprised: "Yue'er?"

Rong Yue turned her head and looked at the man who was walking towards her quickly, with a look of surprise on her face: "Hengzhi? Why are you here?"

Min Hengzhi's heart was beating extremely fast. He had been in Beijing for three days and would meet Zheng Zhongwen every day when he went to court. Sure enough, Zheng Zhongwen didn't tell her that he came to the capital.

He smiled, his handsome face was exceptionally brilliant in the afternoon sun: "I have been in Kyoto for three days, and I would sit here for two hours every day, hoping that you would suddenly appear in front of me like before, and you really came gone."

The affection in his eyes was so hot and strong, ever since she left Jincheng, he also tried to forget, forget her, forget that unforgettable love.

But he couldn't do it. His love for her had already been deeply rooted in his blood and soul. The meaning of his life seemed to be her. Without her, he seemed to have no reason to exist in this world.

Even though she is already Zheng Zhongwen's wife, he can only look at her from a distance, or at a close distance like at this moment, and say a few insignificant words, and he is satisfied.

She once taught him to let go, to love someone, not just to possess, get, and stay together.

The highest state of loving someone is to let go, let the person he loves do whatever she wants, as long as she is happy, as long as her life is safe, he will be happy.

Rong Yue is a little embarrassed, she is already Zhong Wen's wife, she shouldn't have more interactions with a man who has a crush on her.

But he is Min Hengzhi.

She said to Xiao Er: "There is no need to wait here, you can go down."

Liang'er stuffed a silver coin into Xiao Er's hand, and Xiao Er immediately withdrew knowingly.

The three of them entered the private room, the door was closed, and Rong Yue introduced to Min Hengzhi: "This is Princess Luo Ji of Liao Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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