Chapter 886
Chapter 895

It wasn't until this moment that Min Hengzhi realized that there were other women beside Rong Yue.

He turned to look at the rumored No. [-] beauty in Western Xinjiang, and his face froze. These eyes were clearly the same as Tian Yu's eyes in his previous life.

Seeing him staring at her, Luo Ji blushed and lowered her eyes to look elsewhere.

Rong Yue coughed, and Chao Heng said: "What's the matter with you coming to Beijing this time?"

Min Hengzhi came back to his senses and realized that although the girl in front of him had eyes that resembled Tian Yu, her face and temperament were nothing like it.

Min Hengzhi said to Rongyue: "Yue'er, I'm going back to Jincheng tomorrow. What I need to do has already been done. I'm very happy to see you." What could have been done in one day, he deliberately delayed for three days. One day, I also proposed to Zheng Zhongwen to go to the palace to see her, but Zheng Zhongwen ruthlessly refused.

Fortunately, fortunately, I met today.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "Be careful on the road, there is nothing wrong with you, don't hurry too much."

"Okay." He smiled warmly, just like when he brought her here for the first time many years ago.

He is still that Min Hengzhi, but she is no longer Chu Tianyu.

After a meal, Rong Yue and Luo Ji were very uncomfortable, and they couldn't finish it. Min Hengzhi offered to send them back, but she couldn't refuse, after all, he also had good intentions.

However, at the gate of the mansion, I met Zhongwen who had just returned from the palace.

Zhongwen squinted his handsome eyes halfway, got off the horse, walked quickly to the carriage, stretched out his hand to help Rongyue get off the carriage, and when Rongyue stood still, he turned to Min Hengzhi and said, "Thank you King Jin for escorting 'wife' Go back home." He bit the word "wife" very hard, as if to remind him that Rong Yue is already Zheng Zhongwen's wife, and an irrelevant person like her should be respected and kept at a distance.

Min Hengzhi smiled lightly, and didn't take his hostility seriously: "I met you by chance on the street, so it's right to send them back home, you don't have to be polite."

Zhong Wen said to Rong Yue: "You and the princess go in, I have something to say with King Jin."

Rong Yue lowered her voice: "Don't go too far, we just met by chance."

Zhongwen squeezed her hand with a smile, and said softly, "Go in and wait for me, good boy."

She could only shake her head and sigh, these two people never get along well every time they meet, they seem to be natural enemies, with their temperament, they should have become excellent friends.

The two entered the gate of the mansion, passed through the front hall, and walked on the Chaoshou verandah. Seeing that there was no one around, Luo Ji took Rong Yue's hand and said, "This King Jin is so strange."

Rong Yue was puzzled: "Why is it so strange?"

Luo Ji's voice was even lower: "The way he looked at me in the Crane Tower just now was exactly the same as the way Yuandao looked at me when he first met me. How could this be? Could it be because I look like him?" That person?" Actually, she wanted to ask, could the person Yuan Dao knew be the same person that King Jin knew, otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence in this world?
Rong Yue dryly smiled: "You think too much, Jin Wang is a man, which man will not lose his mind when he sees a girl as beautiful as a fairy like you? Don't say these men, even if it is me, I will occasionally be attracted by your beauty. Confused."

Luo Ji blushed, and gave Rong Yue a coquettish look: "My sister will make fun of me."

Did she really think too much?

Is it because she missed Yuan Dao too much, so she mistook the way King Jin looked at her as Yuan Dao?

Is it really?

Rong Yue pointed to the dancing butterfly not far away and said, "Look at that butterfly, it's so beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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