Chapter 887

Chapter 896

Luo Ji followed her gestures to look, but saw nothing: "Where is the butterfly?"

Rong Yue chuckled: "Didn't you see it? Maybe it flew away, let's go."

Luo Ji suddenly realized that she was deliberately changing the topic. It seemed that she didn't want to continue talking about this matter, so she didn't ask any more. After all, everyone has secrets in their hearts and things they don't want others to know.

Back at Pine Garden, as soon as she entered the room, Rou'er grabbed Luo Ji's hand: "Princess, are you happy today?"

Luo Ji glanced at her, her eyes were cold, but there was a smile on her face: "Happy, what's the matter?"

"Princess, when did your relationship with the side-by-side princess become so good? Why didn't the maidservant notice it at all?"

Luo Ji sat down at the table, picked up the empty teacup and took a look, but Rou'er at the side seemed to have not seen her movements, still staring straight at her face, not intending to pour tea for her at all. No.

This scene is not unfamiliar. Rou'er doesn't seem to be a competent girl. She is by her side and doesn't do much for her. exposed to her.

She didn't understand it before, she thought it was Rou'er's kindness to her, she thought that Rou'er was always chattering in front of her because she was lonely.

Now I suddenly understand that this is the purpose of Rou'er's existence. Rou'er has never regarded her as a master, so naturally she has no awe, and neglects her daily life in every possible way, but she has never woken up, and said that this is their master and servant. A special way of getting along with each other.

She suddenly remembered what her mother had said to her the year before last when her illness was not so serious. Her mother said, Rou'er is a bit weird. What's up.

At that time, she didn't care very much when she heard it, she only thought that her mother was being overwhelmed.

"Princess, what are you thinking?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Rou'er was in a daze with an empty cup instead.

Luo Ji smiled lightly, and put down the empty cup: "I was wondering if there is any tea in this teapot."

Rou'er was taken aback, and blurted out: "Whether there is tea in the teapot, don't you know if you try it?" Even though she said so, she didn't move.

She thought that the princess would go and try it by herself as usual, pour water to drink if there was any water, and call the rough girl in the courtyard to make another pot if there was no water.

However, Princess Luo Ji did not move this time, and sat quietly, as if waiting for something.

Rou'er was a little dazed, but didn't hesitate any longer, and hurried up to the teapot to pour a cup of tea for the princess.

Luo Ji looked at the clear green tea in front of her, and there was no trace of heat, she shook her head lightly, and sighed: "It's not that the servants in the palace deliberately neglected me, because there are some things that we don't even care about, How do you get others to value and care about you?"

In the master's room, hot tea and hot water are always on hand, how can you keep a pot of herbal tea here?

Rou'er didn't understand, so she said, "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Ji looked up at her, her face was still the same, but it didn't seem to be the same as before.

Luo Ji said: "Rou'er, how long has it been since you made tea for me?"

how long?

Rou'er doesn't know, and Luo Ji doesn't know either, it seems like it's been a long time.

Rou'er hurriedly picked up the pot of herbal tea, and said with a dry smile: "This servant is negligent, and this servant is going to make tea." She felt a little nervous, and the princess's eyes were very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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