Chapter 890 Desperate

Chapter 899

Rong Yue smiled lightly, "I'm not here today to catch up with you, nor to talk to you, I just want to tell you, keep your mouth shut, and don't let out a single word that you shouldn't say, otherwise, you will be in the The news that Pengcheng was polluted and had an abortion will soon reach your husband's ears."

Seeing that Qi Rongxue's complexion changed drastically, she took two steps forward and said in a low voice, "I also know that you suffered from infertility after having an abortion. , is it true or false?"

Qi Rongxue's complexion was as pale as snow, and she sternly said, "You threaten me?"

Rong Yue nodded seriously: "That's right, I'm just threatening you. If you dare, you can do whatever you want, and see what the consequences will be."

Qi Rongxue said: "Aren't you afraid that I will put all my eggs in one basket and risk my life to fight you?"

Rong Yue shrugged, "Then fight, your end is nothing more than being kicked out of the house by the Marquis of Wuchang, and you become a homeless dog. As for me, I am protected by the emperor and Zhongwen, what is there to be afraid of?"

Rong Xue snorted coldly: "Since you are not afraid of anything, why did you come to see me?"

"Because I want to leave a way for you to live, don't you don't know how to die then, it's up to you to decide what to do." Nian Han blade stabbed at her, making her tremble all over.

After saying that, Qi Rongyue turned around and left, looking at Qi Rongyue's back that was getting further and further away, the coldness on her body became more and more intense.

Of course she wanted revenge, she wanted revenge even in her dreams, she wanted to see Qi Rongyue become unlucky, to see her suffer, to see her tortured to death.

But she wants to keep everything she has now, which is hard-won.

Credible has already been sent to Wuyuan, I am afraid that it will not be long before this letter will reach her father's hands, then, what will her father do, and how can she manage it?
How to do?
She hurried back to the room, closed the door and wrote a secret letter, and sent a trustworthy person to send it to Wuyuan in person, telling her father not to act rashly.

How much her father hated Qi Rongyue, she knew better than anyone else that a dignified fourth-rank official was relegated to a seventh-rank sesame official, all thanks to Qi Rongyue, and her father wished he could eat his flesh raw.

Father is now barefoot, but she is still wearing shoes, so don't ruin everything she has now because of a momentary impulse.


Seven days later, an unremarkable carriage stopped at the side door of the Prince's Mansion, and a haggard-looking woman stepped out of the carriage.

"Madam, please come inside." The guard in black said respectfully to the woman.

The woman nodded, followed the black-clothed guards to enter the door, and went straight to the backyard.

Rong Yue got the news first, and brought Luo Ji to greet her at the second gate.

From a distance, Luo Ji saw her mother walking towards her step by step supported by others, her eyes turned red immediately, and she rushed to her mother holding up the corner of her skirt. The mother and daughter hugged their heads in pain, and everyone around them were all moved.

Rong Yue said to Luo Ji: "It's cold outside, hurry up and ask Auntie to go back to the house."

Only then did Luo Ji stop crying, and helped her mother walk to the pine garden.

After entering the upper room in Pine Garden, Liang'er and Bing'er were busy calling Mrs. Luo to sit down, serving tea, and handing the thin blanket to keep warm for Mrs. Luo who was dressed in cold clothes. Rou'er, on the other hand, stood by the side all the time. Watching from the sidelines, as if she was not a girl, she shouldn't have done these things, she even forgot that she was a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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