Chapter 891

Chapter 900

Mrs. Luo smiled and said, "Don't worry about it, I'm fine. I can see Ji'er, and I feel comfortable all over." After so much worrying, it finally came to the day when the boulder fell to the ground.

Luo Ji choked up: "Mother, you have suffered."

Mrs. Luo shook her head, and patted the back of Luo Ji's hand: "Silly boy, what can I suffer, but you, for me, traveled thousands of miles. I really wish I could die right away, so that you won't be dragged down by me."

Luo Ji covered her mother's mouth: "Mother, what are you talking about? If you are gone, how can I live alone?"

Mrs. Luo sighed: "I knew you would think so, so I dare not die, child, you are so stupid."

"Sister Rou'er, where are you going?" Liang'er's voice interrupted the mother and daughter who were talking to each other, Luo Ji's gentle eyes fell on Rou'er, and gradually became cold and severe.

"Rou'er, are you going to deliver a letter to my father again?"

When Rou'er heard this, her face turned pale with shock, she turned around and knelt down in front of Luo Ji: "Princess, what do you mean by that? Rou'er has followed you since childhood, and only your life is my obedience, and I will do my best Taking care of you, you can't doubt Rou'er for no reason."

Luo Ji sneered: "Only my life? Take care of me with all your heart? Are you sure the person you're talking about is you?"

Rou'er didn't know why, she looked at Luo Ji with a blank face.

Luo Ji said again: "You are my personal maid, but you can't even drink the glass of water you poured. What else have you done besides making a bed for me occasionally? You have done what a maid should do. How many? I was ignorant before, I only knew that girls who were close to the master all looked like this. My mother reminded me, but I didn't take it to heart. I believed in you wholeheartedly and told you everything in my heart, but what about you? ?”

Her voice became sharper, and Rou'er's body couldn't help trembling.

"But you are obedient and obedient. You are loyal to me in the open, but you are obedient to my father's order secretly. How dare you say that?"

Rou'er was so frightened that she hurriedly kowtowed: "I'm wronged, Princess, the slaves have never had second thoughts, so how could they be obedient to the prince's orders in secret?"

"You still don't admit it?" Luo Ji sneered, took out a letter from her sleeve, and slammed it in front of her: "What is this?"

She could recognize Rou'er's handwriting, and the words on it were clearly written by Rou'er herself.

Rou'er's face became paler and her body trembled involuntarily. This is the Mansion of the Prince of Liao, not the Mansion of the Liao Dynasty. If the matter is revealed, it would be easy for the princess to kill her.

"This, this is not a servant's thing, Princess, don't be provoked by traitors, how could a servant do something to betray you, let alone send a letter to the prince secretly."

Qi Rongyue looked at the unopened letter that was thrown on the ground, and said softly: "Since this is not yours and you have never seen it before, how do you know that this letter is for the prince?"

Rou'er was immediately dumbfounded, but she was quick to talk just now, but she stopped calling herself.

She raised her eyes and glared fiercely at Qi Rongyue: "It's you, you must be the one who is sowing discord between me and the princess, and now I am the only person who can be trusted by the princess, you obviously have other intentions in doing this , Princess, don't believe her nonsense, she is lying to you."

Luo Ji snorted: "What benefit can she get by lying to me? If she lied to me, why did she help me rescue my mother? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Rou'er, why can't I help you? "

(End of this chapter)

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