Chapter 892 Old Problems

Chapter 901

Luo Ji's eyes turned red: "I will give you half of everything and treat you like a sister, but what about you? Will you ever be sincere to me?"

Rou'er was in a panic, but she didn't know how to argue for herself. Her sharp teeth and mouth were all useless at this moment.

Rong Yue said softly: "Liang'er Bing'er, take her down and lock her into the firewood room to wait for disposal."

Mrs. Luo sighed: "I've noticed that this girl is weird for a long time, it's true, cough cough cough cough cough cough—" Madam Luo suddenly started to cough, and her pale face turned red due to the violent cough.

Luo Ji hurriedly patted her mother's back, and brought warm tea to her mouth.

"Mother, how are you?"

Mrs. Luo took a deep breath, finally stopped coughing, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm sick, it's fine."

Luo Ji burst into tears anxiously, mother looked haggard and weak, she said nothing, who would believe it?
Rong Yue said: "Madam Luo, I know some medical skills, why don't you let me show you?"

Mrs. Luo waved her hand: "No need, I know my body well, it's just an old problem, it's fine."

How could Luo Ji be willing, and hurriedly grabbed her mother's hand and handed it to Rong Yue: "Sister, show her quickly, I am really worried about her appearance."

Rong Yue nodded, stretched out her hand to grasp Mrs. Luo's right wrist, her pulse was deep and tight, she frowned slightly, and pulled Mrs Luo's left wrist to listen, the pulse was floating and slow, she asked: "Madam, do you usually have low back pain? "

Mrs. Luo nodded: "It's an old problem, and I often make mistakes."

"Are the pains worse in winter?" she asked.

Mrs. Luo nodded again: "That's true, this capital city is much colder than Xijiang, that's why I suffered from back pain again."

Seeing her frowning tightly, Luo Ji felt anxious: "Sister, can my mother's illness be cured?"

Rong Yue sighed, and said to Luo Ji: "Mrs.'s illness is not a serious illness. If you take care of it at the first onset, you will definitely be cured. Unfortunately, the illness has dragged down your body for a long time. Think about it now." Healing, I am afraid there is no hope."

Seeing Luo Ji's face turned pale, she said again: "Sister, don't panic, although Madam's illness cannot be cured now, but if you take good care of it, the condition can be alleviated, at least you can live for another ten years, but if you don't take care of it , I’m afraid it won’t last a year.”

Mrs. Luo showed joy on her face: "Can I really live another ten years?"

Rong Yue nodded: "As long as you take care of it according to my prescription and raise it with peace of mind, you will have at least ten years of life."

Mrs. Luo held Luo Ji's hand tightly, and said excitedly: "Ji'er, don't think these ten years are too short. When I was in Xijiang earlier, Concubine Lian invited a doctor for me. Yangshou, now that half a year has turned into ten years, do you know how happy I am? In this way, I can personally send you off to get married, and I can also see your child born, which is my regret in this life."

Luo Ji shook her head: "No, it shouldn't have only been ten years. If Luo Xiucheng hadn't treated you with such hatred and righteousness, how could your illness have become so serious."

Mrs. Luo sighed, and said shyly: "Anyway, he is also your father, I—"

Luo Ji interrupted her: "No, from now on, he is no longer my father. I, Luo Ji, don't have such a father. From now on, I will no longer be the Princess of the Liao Palace. I'm just your daughter. He has nothing to do with Luoxiu City." She knew very well in her heart that if she hadn't been useful in Luoxiu City, how could her little life have survived to this day?

(End of this chapter)

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