Chapter 898 Is she dead?
Chapter 907

"At this time, you can't startle the snake. You must put the things by Chu Tianqi's side without anyone noticing, and make sure that he will touch it with his own hands."

Chu Tian wanted to avenge Chu Tianyu wholeheartedly, but he was not too enthusiastic about doing it, and he was too lazy to think of a way, so he said dissatisfied: "Since you can rescue me from the sky prison, it is obvious that you are in this palace. There is also a hidden line inside, so why not let your hidden line do it? This way the chances of success will be higher, I look like this now, let alone do what you said, I am afraid that I will be out of this palace , I will be caught immediately, you should take me out of the palace."

The man's gaze was abnormally cold, staring at Chu Tianxin coldly, and suddenly asked: "You want to leave the palace so much, what are you doing?"

Chu Tian snorted coldly: "What are you doing? Of course I want to seek revenge from Qi Rongyue. She has caused me such misery, and I must not make her feel better."

"But as far as I know, Qi Rongyue died in the Zhou Dynasty more than two years ago. Do you want to find her ghost to take revenge?"

Chu Tian was taken aback for a moment, her eyes were full of disbelief, her ugly face was pale and unremarkable under the moonlight, and her emotions suddenly became agitated: "What did you say? Say it again."

"I said, Qi Rongyue died in the Zhou Dynasty more than two years ago. The whole country knows about it. Why? Didn't you hear about it in the prison?" The man raised his eyebrows.

Chu Tianxin staggered back to the couch and sat down, crying and laughing at the same time: "She's dead? She's actually dead? Didn't she say she wants to live a long, long life and watch me suffer for a lifetime?" What? How could she die so quickly? I haven't done anything to her myself, how can she just die like this?"

The man said: "Isn't her death just in line with your wishes? Don't forget, when she was alive, who was the closest person, who was the person she wanted to protect the most?"

Chu Tian came to his senses with a jolt: "The person closest to her is none other than Chu Tianqi. She lurked beside me and my father, and made us look like this. It was nothing more than to help Chu Tianqi regain the throne. She The person who worries the most must be Chu Tianqi."

"That's right, the person she wants to protect the most is Chu Tianqi, and you can transfer your hatred towards her to Chu Tianqi. This is your last chance, your last chance to take revenge on her. Miss it." After this time, you will never have the chance to take revenge on her again."

The man turned around, walked a few steps towards the door and then stopped. He turned back and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Remember, from now on, no one will help you. You will have to do everything yourself."

He has people in the palace, but these people will be of great use in the future, and they must not be exposed at this moment. Chu Tianxin hates Qi Rongyue to the bone, and with this hatred, she will definitely think of a way .

Human potential is infinitely great, and under pressure and anger, this potential will be greatly stimulated.


seven days later

Shoulder to the palace, embrace the moon.

Qi Rongyue frowned and asked the housekeeper, "Is there no news from the lord?"

The butler shook his head: "No."

"Are you going to Dingxihou's Mansion? What do you say over there?"

The housekeeper shook his head again: "Mrs. Dingxihou also said that there is no news about Dingxihou."

Thinking of Dina who just got married with Tianhu, Rongyue sighed softly again. He must be very anxious when he heard that she was just pregnant, and brother Tianhu traveled far away to the western border this time, and there was no news.

(End of this chapter)

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