Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 899 Waiting for him to return in triumph

Chapter 899 Waiting for him to return in triumph
Chapter 908

Thinking of this, she got up: "Prepare the car, I'm going to Dingxihou Mansion to visit."

She only took Liang'er out, and left Binger in the mansion to look after Gu Nianwen. She was worried about others, but only for Binger and Liang'er.

The carriage stopped at Dingxihou's Mansion, and the gatekeeper had just received a message from his wife, ordering him to invite the princess directly into the mansion.

This was the first time she saw Dina after returning to Beijing from Jincheng, with a different appearance and another identity.

Dina thought that the girl Zhongwen fell in love with at first sight in Xijiang must be very beautiful, at least not worse than Miss Qi.

But when she saw the concubine at this time, she was surprised for a while, her appearance was so ordinary, which was beyond her expectation.

After the ceremony, Dina invited the princess to take her seat, and she sat at the lower right.

Qi Rongyue and Dina have met each other before, and they have spoken to each other, and their voices are familiar to each other, so they can only talk to her with a low voice: "I heard that Madam is pregnant, and Brother Tianhu specially asked me to take care of you before leaving the capital. As soon as I have time, I come to sit and sit, I don't know if I disturbed my sister-in-law's peace?"

It turned out that it was entrusted by her husband. Dina's face was reddish, and there was a flow of honey in her heart. Her husband treated her really well. She never thought that her life after marriage would be so comfortable and comfortable. He loved her wholeheartedly. After being moved, she gradually developed feelings for her husband, and only thought about him.

Now he suddenly went to Xijiang, the huge palace, obviously he was the only one missing, but it seemed that a piece of sky was missing, life was no fun.

"Thank you, princess, for caring. I'm fine."

Rong Yue saw that her complexion was not too good, and sighed: "You are pregnant, you must not worry too much, it is not good for yourself, or even the fetus in the womb."

Dina touched her face. She also knew that her complexion was not good recently. It was mostly because of Yesi's insomnia. She woke up several times in the middle of the night. She dreamed that her husband was standing in the distance and looked at her covered in blood. Every time she wakes up, she can't sleep anymore. Because of this, she can't sleep well for a few days, and she even dares to sleep. She is afraid that when she falls asleep, she will see her husband again. Like that.

Dina touched her lower abdomen and sighed: "My husband has gone far away, and I haven't heard from him for a long time. I have been doing nothing all day, and my mind is full of bad thoughts. I can't drive them away. The food is not delicious. I can’t sleep, how can I raise my baby well.”

On days like this, Rong Yuexin has a feeling. When she saw Zheng Zhongwen was going to marry another woman, she felt heartbroken and left the capital in a fit of anger. But leaving does not mean that she will forget it. Her longing for Zhongwen never stops Yes, there was a time like Dina's.

She smiled lightly: "Human feelings are born from the heart, and the thoughts of the heart come from the mind. They cannot be restrained or controlled. This is all right. However, for the sake of the child in our womb, we need to learn to be patient and make everything go well." If you think about it from the perspective of a long-term perspective, you must first ensure that your body is healthy, so that your child can be born safely, and you can also be with your husband and child in a healthy manner."

Dina suddenly became enlightened, and immediately understood, she smiled and said: "I understand, my husband has no choice but to travel far away, and I can't help her. The only thing I can do is to take care of myself and my children, and stay in the house safely. , waiting for his triumphant return."

Talking to a smart person is comfortable and transparent.

(End of this chapter)

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