Chapter 900 The emperor fell ill
Chapter 909

After coming back from the Marquis' Mansion, the housekeeper hurriedly greeted Qi Rongyue as soon as he entered the door, and said to Qi Rongyue: "Princess, it's not good, the palace sent someone to spread the word that the emperor has fallen ill."

Qi Rongyue's face changed slightly: "What did you say? The emperor fell ill? Who will deliver the message?"

The steward said: "It's a father-in-law from the Internal Service Bureau. He said that not only the emperor fell ill, but also the palace maids and guards around the emperor, all fell ill."

Rong Yue's complexion changed even more, and she hurriedly said to Liang'er next to her, "Quick, go get my medicine box." Liang'er turned and went, and Rong Yue said to the butler again: "Who is the father-in-law of the internal servant bureau telling?" ? Where was it passed on?"

The butler hurriedly said: "I was not there at the time, and that Eunuch Xiao also came in a hurry, he only passed a message to the old Wang who was guarding the door outside the side door, and went back without entering the door, saying that people in the palace are relying on their horses now, He has to rush back to work, so that Lao Wang must pass on the message, and he will leave immediately."

Rong Yue said: "You should immediately find out who else Lao Wang had contact with after Eunuch Xiao left. Anyone who has contact with him should find a room alone in a remote corner of the palace, and stop walking around and talking to him." contact with people, including yourself."

When the butler heard this, he immediately understood. It seemed that the princess suspected that there was some bad contagious disease in the palace. Eunuch Xiao might have been sick when he came out of the palace. It is very scary to pass on a hundred.

He didn't dare to be negligent, immediately took a few steps back, and said to Rongyue: "Princess, don't worry, the little one will definitely get things done."

At this moment, Liang'er brought the medicine box, she felt uneasy no matter what she thought, so she and Liang'er went to bring Nianwen and Bing'er, and went out of the palace together, first sent Binger and Nianwen to the master, Ask the master to take good care of him.

When Jian Yun heard about this, she also clamored to follow the palace, but was strongly opposed by Rong Yue and Mr. Wan.

"Master, look at your belly now. What can you do when you go? Just stay at home and raise your baby. Don't think about anything. I will take care of everything. If it is really an infectious disease, I will be with you for a while If you can’t come back, reading the text will be a labor of love for you.”

There are thousands of ants crawling in Jian Yun's heart, and she is so anxious: "I really wish I could give birth to this child now, with a belly every day, I can't do anything." She was still worried about Rong Yue, she was alone Entering the palace, if it is really a serious infectious disease, how can she handle it alone?
Mr. Wan said: "Jian Yun, what Yue'er said is correct. You look like this now. It's useless to go there. You should stay at home and raise your baby. Yue'er has learned from you. She can do everything you can do." Yes, even green out of blue, what else do you have to worry about?"

Jian Yun glanced at him, and said angrily: "What do you know? Get out of here." Mr. Wan had already annoyed Jian Yun today, but now he interrupted her and Rong Yue's affairs, and was immediately hit violently. But he wasn't upset at all, he laughed and said, "I don't want to get lost, and I don't have a round belly like yours."

Rong Yue lightly smiled: "Master, I'll leave it to you to read the text. I'm in a hurry to enter the palace now, so I can't stay any longer."

Jian Yun sent her away reluctantly, sighed endlessly, turned his head and gave Mr. Wan another look: "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, would I have been able to conceive? Could I, Jian Yun, be trapped in this well-froggy place? I can’t do anything, I can only stare blankly all day long.”

(End of this chapter)

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