Chapter 901 The Plague
Chapter 910

Mr. Wan seems to be used to her complaints, and he doesn't care at all. He can understand Jian Yun's mood. A proud woman like that has now become an ordinary little woman. She The gap in his heart will definitely be unacceptable for a while, but he believes that one day, Jian Yun will realize that such a day also has the beauty of such a life.

Chu Palace
Rong Yue hurried to the Palace of Imperial Harmony, there were several imperial doctors who were talking outside the hall, seeing her coming, they all looked out curiously, they had seen Qi Rongyue's true face, they had also seen Qi Rongyue's superb medical skills , but Chu Yue and the others had never seen her before.

The eunuch leading the way said to the imperial doctor, "This is the side-by-side princess."

The three imperial doctors saluted Qi Rongyue one after another, and Rongyue also returned the salute, the scorched look on his face was very obvious: "How is the emperor?"

The doctor Zhang Yu said: "Back to the princess, the emperor had a cough three days ago. After showing it to the emperor, I was diagnosed with wind-cold, but prescribed medicine to remove the wind-cold. Who knows that the wind-cold disease is not cured after taking the medicine. After getting up, it became more and more serious, and today, the emperor has already started to have a fever."

Qi Rongyue frowned, and asked anxiously: "Have you used the antipyretic medicine?"

Doctor Zhang said: "The medicine for withdrawing the medicine is already decocted, and it will be taken by the emperor soon."

Qi Rongyue hurriedly said: "Don't use antipyretics for now, and don't use it for other people who are sick, wait until I have a look."

Without waiting for Doctor Zhang to speak, she asked again: "What is the condition of other people's diseases?"

Doctor Zhang shook his head: "Others are the same as the emperor. They suffered from wind-cold symptoms first, but they didn't recover after taking the medicine—" Doctor Zhang stopped suddenly. He hadn't thought about this question before, but now he is asking the princess side by side. Only then did he suddenly understand.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world, the emperor is sick alone, and more than a dozen people around him are sick. The emperor took the medicine and it didn't help, but became sick to the point of fever, and the other people were in the same situation. How could this be possible?

Qi Rongyue didn't talk nonsense with them any more, turned around and walked outside the palace gate, the palace guard saw that it was her, and hurriedly opened the gate, she walked in quickly, passed through the curtains one after another, and came to the dragon couch, The person who was healthy and active when we met before, is now lying on the couch weakly.

Tian Qi didn't sleep, he saw Sister Huang coming to the bed, struggling to get up: "Sister, why are you here?"

She sat down in front of the couch, stretched out her hand and pressed his shoulder down, she had already clasped his pulse gate, listening to his pulse carefully, while frowning, she quickly checked his eyes and tongue.

The tongue that was supposed to be pink and clean, but when he stretched it out, he saw many herpes of different sizes.

She pulled his head and neck, and sure enough, she found the same herpes on the side of his neck, unbuttoned his clothes, and there were also herpes under his armpits. . .

Seeing that his sister's expression became more and more solemn, and even panic appeared in his eyes, Tian Qi hurriedly asked: "Sister, what's wrong with you? Didn't the imperial doctor say that I just have a cold syndrome?" He felt dizzy and weak, and occasionally felt nauseous. Feeling, but the imperial doctor said that this is a symptom of exacerbated wind-cold disease, but looking at my sister's appearance, it seems not very good.

Rong Yue said: "You are not a cold, but a plague, and it is a very severe plague." She was burning with anxiety: "How could such a disease spread in this palace? You are an emperor, and everything you come into contact with Special inspection, how can you get this disease?"

(End of this chapter)

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