Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 902 Seeing the order is like seeing the emperor

Chapter 902 Seeing the order is like seeing the emperor
Chapter 911

Hearing the word plague, Tian Qi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted, he pushed Rong Yue away: "This is contagious, you go, get out, don't come near me."

Rong Yue's eyes turned red immediately, and she choked up with sobs: "Fool, if you leave me, you won't be able to live."

Tianqi shook his head: "If I can't live, I won't. It's just a life, but sister, you are different. You have a husband and a child, and you have a brand new life of your own. You shouldn't and can't ruin everything because of me."

Rong Yue didn't want to argue with him, so what's the point of talking about it now, she must, must cure Tian Qi, and let the plague stop and disappear in the palace, and never spread outside the palace, otherwise, This will be a huge disaster.

She walked behind the imperial table in the palace, and took out a token made of pure gold from the box inlaid with gold carvings.

"Sister, what are you going to do?" Tian Qi propped up half of his body and looked at her.

Rong Yue said: "From now on, you only need to take good care of your illness and leave everything in the palace to me. My sister assures you that she will definitely cure you and will never let Chu Chao have any mistakes."

There is a prescription for the plague. Although the medicine is difficult to make, it is not impossible. The plague broke out in the refugee camp outside Jincheng. Although it is not as severe as this plague, there are similarities between the plagues. She believes that she will be able to To prepare a good medicine to cure this disease, but before that, she must first investigate and control the epidemic in the palace.

She took the token and walked out of the gate of the Palace of Imperial Harmony, waiting outside for the chief servant, the leader of the Habayashi guards, and the imperial doctor Liang Yu, who just arrived at the imperial hospital.

She held the golden order in her hand, and everyone knelt down and shouted long live, she said: "By the order of the emperor, I will temporarily take over all matters in the inner palace. Seeing the order is like seeing the emperor."

Everyone knelt down and couldn't get up, and their expressions were different. This side-by-side princess is not a concubine of the emperor's harem, and second, she is not a member of the Chu family. Why should she?
At this time, Chu Tianqi's voice came from the hall. Although he was sick and weak, he still couldn't conceal the majesty of the Tian family.

"Chu Yue's words are my words. When you see her, it is as if you are seeing me."

"Your servants will obey the order." Everyone kowtowed on the ground in response.

"Get up." Rong Yue raised her hand, her figure was straight, her posture was graceful, the gloomy look between her brows and eyes was covered by the strong Tianjia majesty.

"The leader of the Habayashi guards listened to the order, and immediately led people to check the inner palace, and brought all those who felt unwell to the Lama Temple. Remember, it is all, don't let go of any corner of the palace, and send someone to notify Palace gate guards, from this moment on, Chu Palace is closed, no one is allowed to leave the palace, if someone wants to come in from outside, they can send a letter first, and I will arrange it according to the circumstances."

The guard was shocked, but he didn't dare to disobey, and immediately followed the order.

Qi Rongyue's eyes fell on Liang Zhangyuan, and said: "Liang Zhangyuan listened to the order and immediately summoned all the registered doctors to the Imperial Hospital, distributed scarves and gloves to each of them, and entered the palace to classify all the patients. Remember, it’s classification, not diagnosis and treatment. Severe illnesses are divided into one category, moderate illnesses are divided into one category, and those with serious illnesses are divided into another category. I will give you the defense prescription and brew a large amount of it according to the defense prescription. Distribute the decoction to those who are not sick in the palace, and you have to drink it yourself, it is best to drink it before entering the palace, and bring the decoction with you."

As the head of the Royal Hospital, Liang Zhangyuan has seen countless difficult diseases in his life. Hearing such instructions from the side-by-side princess, he immediately guessed the epidemic, his face turned pale, and his heart beat with fear.

(End of this chapter)

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