Chapter 905 I am Chu Yue
Chapter 914

Thinking of Tian Qi who was still struggling on the sickbed, she grabbed the cut medicine and threw it with the blood into the steaming medicine jar beside her, ignoring the blood constantly spilling from her fingers.

At this moment, Liang'er had already delivered the white gauze to her. She took the gauze, wrapped it around her fingers lightly, and walked towards Chu Tianxin slowly.

Chu Tian was seriously ill, and her body was at an advanced stage due to the poison of the epidemic, but for some reason, she, who had been drowsy all this time, suddenly woke up at this moment. She raised her eyes and looked at the woman who was approaching her step by step. The cloth towel only showed a pair of very beautiful eyes. When she saw these eyes, she immediately screamed: "Qi Rongyue? Are you Qi Rongyue? Are you not dead? You are not dead?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I'm Chu Yue, you've got the wrong person."

Chu Tianxin sneered: "Did I admit the wrong person? Although I am about to die, but my eyesight is not bright yet, I will not misidentify the person. You are Qi Rongyue, no, you are Chu Tianyu."

Rong Yue also argued with her, seeing that her symptoms were worse than Tian Qi's, she thought that Tian Qi was the first to be exposed to the plague, and it was normal for him to be the heaviest, but she did not expect that Chu Tian's heart was even worse, Could it be that she was the first to be exposed to the plague?
Rong Yue's gaze gradually became cold and severe: "Tell me, is the sudden outbreak of plague in the palace related to you?"

Chu Tianxin laughed suddenly, his body was trembling from the laughter, and tears flowed from the laughter: "That's right, I did this, how about it? How does it feel to watch your loved ones fall into illness and helpless? You don't A genius doctor? You can cure him if you have the ability, hahaha, hahahaha—"

At this time, an eunuch came to report: "Princess, King Jin is seeking an audience outside the palace. There is also a woman who calls herself Jian Yun. She came again today and said that no matter what, let her enter the palace to see you."

Chu Tianxin suddenly stopped laughing, turned to look at the eunuch, and asked urgently: "The King Jin you are talking about is Hengzhi, but is it my Hengzhi?"

Seeing her appearance, the eunuch hurriedly backed away a few steps in fright.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "It's Eternity, but it's not your Eternity. It wasn't in the past, it isn't now, and it won't be in the future."

Chutian said sharply: "You are talking nonsense, Hengzhi is mine, Hengzhi is mine, he is mine, and it belongs to us alone. Why do you have it? Why do you want to rob Hengzhi from me?"

"Why?" She sneered, "Because you are Chu Tianxin, the daughter of a man who killed his father and enemy."

Chutian clutched her chest tightly, and couldn't breathe. She stared at Qi Rongyue fiercely, as if wishing she could kill her. She pointed at Rongyue, and said "you" four times. Five times, I almost lost my breath.

When Chutian calmed down, Rong Yue asked, "Do you want to see Hengzhi?"

Chu Tianxin raised his eyes suddenly: "What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. I can let you see Hengzhi, but you have to answer me a question first. If you answer well, you will naturally be able to make your wish come true. If you don't answer well..."

Chu Tianxin knew that time was running out, Chu Palace had become what it is now, and she had done everything she had to do. Even if Chu Tianyu didn't die, her younger brother was going to die. Death is more painful.

"Okay, I promise you, answer your question, let me meet with Hengzhi."

Rong Yue knew that she would agree, and she would definitely agree.

"Let me ask you, who rescued you from the prison? How did the plague enter the Palace of Imperial Harmony? Who is the person standing behind you and helping you?"

(End of this chapter)

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