Chapter 906 The Man in Black
Chapter 915

Chu Tian wanted to see Min Hengzhi very much, and she also wanted to know who was the person who helped her escape from the prison and let her put things into the Palace of Imperial Harmony that day, but she couldn't answer this question.

"It's a man in black with his face covered. I don't know him, and I don't know who he is. He rescued me from the prison, gave me a bag of things, and asked me to find a chance to get into the Palace of Imperial Harmony. I also I don't know what's wrong with this thing." If she knew that those things were stained with plague poison, she would never touch them anyway.

"What did he say to you?"

Chu Tian thought about it carefully, then shook his head: "I didn't say anything, that man was very careful, he was afraid that he knew that this day would happen, so he didn't leave any clues behind him, if you want to find him through me, you should give up your mind. "

"I've told you everything I know, can you let me meet Hengzhi?" She fell on the ground weakly, looking expectantly at Qi Rongyue in front of her.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I think Hengzhi doesn't want to see you, you should give up your heart." She then said to the eunuch who sent the message: "Go back to them and tell them I'm fine so they don't have to worry about it. Don't come again."

The eunuch went to take orders, Chu Tianxin pointed at Qi Rongyue and said sharply: "You, you don't keep your word, your words don't count."

Qi Rongyue snorted coldly: "For a person like you, do I need to keep my word? Open your eyes and see how many people have been harmed by your ignorance and stupidity? Did you die from the torment of the plague? Do you know how many corpses were burned in the cremation pit in the suburbs of Beijing? Do you know what kind of pain my younger brother is suffering now? And the culprit of all this is you , what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

Chu Tian was so angry that he didn't come up in one breath, and passed out.

Rong Yue stopped looking at her, and said to the guards beside her, "You don't need to wait for her to die, just throw her into the cremation pit on the outskirts of Beijing together with the dead palace servants today."

Perhaps she should have killed her as early as when she regained the Chu Palace.

She turned around, looked at the dozen or so medicine stoves in front of her, and fanned the flames with Liang'er.

Liang'er hurriedly said: "Princess, you haven't slept in two days, leave this place to the servant, you go and rest."

Rong Yue shook her head: "No need, I can't sleep." Thinking of Qi Di's painful appearance, how could she be able to sleep.

The medicine was ready soon. This is her latest improved prescription. I hope it will be effective and curb the spread of the virus as soon as possible.

She brought a bowl of medicine into the Palace of Imperial Harmony and fed it to Tianqi herself, and the rest of the medicine was distributed to other patients in the Palace of Imperial Harmony by Liang'er and a few court ladies who were not yet infected.

"Sister, I'm afraid I can't do it anymore. You can go and leave me alone."

Rong Yue smiled bitterly, and stroked the messy hair on Fu Tianqi's forehead: "Fool, this is my home, where do you want me to go? You are my younger brother, no matter life or death, I will never leave you."

She helped him up, and poured the medicine into his mouth spoonful by spoonful: "Trust me, sister, I will definitely not let you die, and the land of the Chu Dynasty will definitely not fall into the hands of those with ulterior motives."

After Zhongwen and Tianhu went to Xijiang, they disappeared without a trace. They must have encountered something, and this kind of thing suddenly happened in the palace. Who sent the mysterious man in black? ?Could it be Luoxiu City?
Tian Qi was the most ill person in the palace besides Chu Tianxin, he relied on Rongyue's Baoyuan Pill to continue his life, otherwise, he would have been turned into a pile of ashes like other palace people in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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