Chapter 908 Relationships
Chapter 917

How could Liang'er dare to be negligent, immediately took the bowl containing the blood, held it carefully, and quickly left the Palace of Imperial Harmony.

In the evening, Chu Tianqi woke up, his complexion obviously improved, and his mind was very clear.

When he saw his sister sleeping at the end of the bed, he hurriedly sat up and pulled off the thin quilt to cover her. After doing this, he found that he seemed to have some strength. He lay on this couch these days, even I don't even have the strength to speak. Does this mean that my condition has improved?

Rong Yue has always been in a light sleep. Although she was very tired and sleepy, she was still awakened by a thin quilt covering her body. She blinked her bewildered eyes. She looked at Tian Qi who was sitting upright, and immediately woke up. He got up and sat next to him, pinched Tianqi's wrist pulse, and it really got better, his pulse became much calmer, and the pustules on his face also got better, better than those of the two maids.

She was very excited, her blood could cure the poison of the plague, if she could find out earlier, Tian Qi would not have to suffer so much.

Tian Qi looked at his sister in front of him, his complexion was pale, his lips were chapped, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was unbelievably haggard.

"Sister, why did you look like this? Didn't you have a good rest?" He reached out to shake her hand, but when she touched her hand, she shrank back. Her hand seemed to be wrapped in gauze. Seeing her frown, Quickly asked: "What happened to your hand? Did it hurt?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "It's okay, sister is okay, as long as you are well, as long as you are well."

Perhaps the boulder that had been weighing on her heart had fallen, or perhaps many days of hard work had finally crushed her. She had just stood up when a darkness swept over her, and she fell, ignorant of human affairs.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" He hugged his sister's body, and said to the eunuch in the palace: "What are you still doing in a daze? Send the imperial doctor, send the imperial doctor!"

Liang Zhangyuan soon brought two imperial doctors to the Palace of Imperial Harmony, and was relieved to see that the emperor's condition had improved greatly. It seemed that Princess Chu Yue's blood really had the effect of curing the epidemic.

Liang Zhangyuan quickly called Rong Yue's pulse, and saw that his breathing was even and deep, and his tightly knit brows gradually loosened, he said: "Your Majesty, the princess is just overworked for many days, and she lost a lot of blood today, so she can't bear it for a while. She passed out, but please don't worry, your majesty, the concubine should have taken the blood-enriching elixir, and her body is fine, just rest and recuperate."

Chu Tianqi was taken aback, frowned and asked, "Excessive blood loss? Why does the princess lose excessive blood?"

Liang Zhangyuan thought that the emperor already knew about this matter, seeing that he didn't know, and he didn't know whether he should say it, so he hesitated for a while.

Chu Tianqi said angrily: "What? I asked you, are you deaf?"

Liang Zhangyuan hurriedly said: "Back to the emperor, the princess found that her blood can detoxify the epidemic, so she put out two bowls of blood, one bowl for you to drink, and the other bowl was mixed with soup and medicine, and distributed to the sick in the palace. Suffering."

"What? Her blood can detoxify the virus? She put two bowls of blood at a time?" He looked at his sister lying in his arms in surprise. No wonder her complexion was so pale. My sister really gave up her life to save him. .

His eyes were hot, and tears welled up, but he thought that there were outsiders in the room, so he forced himself to swallow the tears, and said to Liang Zhangyuan: "Hurry up and prescribe some blood-enriching prescriptions, let her take good care of it." Make up for it."

Liang Zhangyuan said yes again and again, and took a peek at Chu Yue who was lying in the emperor's arms. He was full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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