Chapter 909 White Pine County

Chapter 918

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of Qi Rongyue and the Imperial Hospital, the epidemic situation in the palace was finally stabilized, and because the palace door was closed immediately when the epidemic was discovered at that time, people who were infected with the epidemic were prevented from contacting the outside world. The poison of the plague stopped in the Chu Palace, and did not harm more people. If the epidemic spread outside, one spread to ten, ten spread to hundreds, even ten Qi Rongyue's blood would not be enough to release it.

Everyone is getting better, Tianqi can get out of bed and walk, but the palace door is still closed, and she doesn't plan to open the palace door until it is confirmed that the plague virus is gone.

Xijiang, Baisong County.

Luoxiu City swung his whip at the man tied to the stake, with a vicious sneer at the corner of his mouth: "General Hussar? Marquis of Dingxi? Such an imposing title."

The whip lashed Tianhu's body fiercely, and a long bloodstain appeared immediately. He didn't even groan, but glared at Luoxiu City in front of him angrily, and scoffed: "I, Tianhu, stand upright. I am worthy of the Houtu, and do everything without shame, even if you kill me today, I will be a good man again in 18 years."

Luo Xiucheng said: "I know you have a stubborn mouth, and it won't help if you are killed, but don't forget, your wife is waiting for you to go back with a big belly."

Tianhu sneered: "Stop talking nonsense, what kind of person I am, my wife and children will naturally know, if you want to kill or cut, please do it!"

Luo Xiucheng raised his head to look at the sky, and said in a low voice: "It is certain to kill you, but the time has not yet come. If you can't catch a big fish with such a high-quality bait, wouldn't it be in vain?"

Tianhu frowned: "What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

Luo Xiucheng sneered: "What am I going to do? Can't you guess yet?"

Tianhu immediately understood that Luo Xiucheng wanted to use him to lure Zhongwen into the bait, so as to catch them all.

"Luoxiu City, you only have [-] soldiers, do you dare to contend with the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the imperial court? You are undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg. I advise you to stop as soon as possible, so as not to be defeated in the future. "

Luo Xiucheng took out a piece of cloth from his arms, wiped the long whip carefully, and sighed: "Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses? Are you fooling me when I am a child? Yes, there are indeed hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Chu Dynasty." Ma, but where can the soldiers and horses be transferred at will? If my [-] soldiers and horses want to go from here to the capital, do you think it is impossible?"

Tianhu was tongue-tied and speechless for a moment, Luoxiu City was right, the Chu Dynasty indeed had enough troops, enough to resist any country's invasion, but the army of any side has the responsibility to defend the territory, and it must not be taken lightly Otherwise, if the neighboring country that has been waiting for a long time invades aggressively, the gains will outweigh the losses.

Seeing that Tianhu was speechless, Luoxiucheng became more and more proud: "I have been waiting for this day for ten years, I thought my daughter Luo Ji could help me to discredit that little emperor first, so If so, it will be easier for me to ascend to the throne of God in the future, who would have thought that this damn girl would hook up with you secretly and spoil my good deeds."

"But it doesn't matter, without her, I, Luoxiu City, can still enter the capital and seize the throne."

Tianhu said: "You have a pretty good idea. My brother must have arrived at Xifeng Mountain by now. How can your [-] soldiers be the opponent of my Black Cavalry Army?"

Luo Xiucheng shook his head: "Although your black cavalry army is powerful, it may not be invincible. Besides, your brother did not go to Xifeng Mountain to transfer troops as you thought. I guess he will appear in your presence soon. before."

(End of this chapter)

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