Chapter 910

Chapter 919

In fact, this is exactly what Tianhu is worried about, Zhongwen is too attached to friendship, he will never leave him alone.

Sure enough, as soon as Luoxiu City's words fell, a tall masked man in a black suit rushed into the school grounds. The man held a sword in his hand and slashed at the guards who kept rushing towards him with ferocious eyes.

Luo Xiucheng sneered: "What did I say? The fish is hooked."

He stuffed the cloth for wiping the whip back into his arms, shook the long whip in his hand, and sighed, "If I knew he would come so soon, why should I bother wiping the whip?"

Luo Xiucheng smiled arrogantly, and walked towards the man in black with a whip.

At the same time, another figure flashed into the school grounds. Taking advantage of the scuffle at the other end, he quietly came to Tianhu's body and quickly cut the ropes that bound Tianhu. Although this person covered his face, Tianhu He was recognized by those eyes.

"Zhong Wen, you—"

Zhongwen lowered his voice and said: "Don't make a sound, go quickly." He supported the bruised Tianhu, and the two quickly rushed to the wall of the school grounds, climbed over the wall, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Seeing that Zhongwen and Tianhu had successfully escaped, the masked man in black, who was fighting among the guards, immediately threw two smoke bombs, turned around and retreated.

When the smoke dissipated, there was still the figure of the man in black. Luoxiu City had a dark path, so he turned to look at the stake tied to Tianhu. There were a few severed ropes scattered in front of the stake, and messy footprints stretched all the way to the At the foot of a wall.

He said to the stunned guards, "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you chase after him?" As he spoke, he took the lead to climb over the wall. Apart from footprints, he could occasionally see a few drops of blood on the road.

"That fellow Tianhu is injured, he must not run far, chase after him."

Luo Xiucheng was furious, and wanted to use Tianhu as a bait to lure Zheng Zhongwen into the bait, and catch them all in one net, lest any fish slip through the net to recruit the Black Cavalry Army. He is not afraid of the ordinary army at all, but the Black Cavalry Army is not ordinary. The army, even Yuan Dao's magic voice, might not be able to control the black cavalry army, he didn't want to take risks.

"My lord, there are people there!" A sharp-eyed guard was the first to spot Zheng Zhongwen and Tianhu's traces, and led the crowd to rush up.

Tianhu's legs were injured, and he couldn't run fast at all. He pushed Zhongwen away: "You go, I'm dead."

Zhongwen grabbed his arm again, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go together, I will never leave you."

Tianhu said: "Why are you so confused, Luoxiucheng deliberately used me to lure you into the bait, for what? To wipe out the two of us who knew his secret in one fell swoop, now I am seriously injured, there is no You can’t escape, you are different, you can escape, take my password, go to mobilize the black cavalry, and stop Luoxiu City.”

Zhongwen shook his head: "No, I can't keep you, he will kill you."

"It doesn't matter if I die, as long as you live, sacrifice your life for the country, I've been prepared for this a long time ago." Tianhu took a step back, using his tall body to block the sight of the people behind him.

How could Zhongwen agree, he stepped forward and grabbed Tianhu's arm again: "No, you have to live with you, and you have to die with you."

He forcibly pulled Tianhu and continued to run forward. There was a forest in front of him. The two got into the woods, only to hear the footsteps behind them getting closer. He simply pulled Tianhu onto his back and ran with him on his back. .

The forest was full of thorns, and after running for a while, Zhongwen's clothes were cut by the sharp thorns of the thorns, and even the flesh was dripping with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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