Chapter 911 Falling off a Cliff
Chapter 920

The pursuers didn't stop for a moment until they were forced into a cliff with no way out.

Zhongwen put Tianhu down and pulled out the sword from his waist: "Come on, today I will fight to the death with you bastards." He protected Tianhu behind his back and held the sword alone to fight.

Luoxiucheng laughed wildly: "Zheng Zhongwen, Zheng Zhongwen, you are indeed a hero, for the sake of your brother, you can even sacrifice your life, but I don't know, what will happen to Princess Chu Yue and the little princess who are far away in the capital after they learn of your death?" Mood."

Zhongwen felt a pain in his heart, and the hand holding the sword hilt trembled slightly. He was never afraid of death, only afraid that his Yue'er would be sad, and that his daughter would lose his father's support.

But things have come to this, they have no choice.

Luo Xiucheng raised his hand, and immediately there were dozens of bows and arrows aimed at him, he protected Tianhu and retreated a few steps.

Luo Xiucheng's raised hand finally came down heavily, and dozens of sharp arrows pierced the wind. The arrows pointed at the vital points of him and Tianhu. He not only had to protect himself, but also Tianhu behind him. , One arrow was fired, and a second arrow was caught immediately. They had no way to avoid it, no way to retreat, so they could only forcefully block it with their swords, but there would always be a fish that slipped through the net, and a sharp arrow pierced Zhongwen's body. His calf, he endured the pain and continued to stand still, standing in front of Tianhu like a mountain, just like when Tianhu used his body as a meat shield on the battlefield to block the opponents who hit him one after another With a heavy blow, he just had a chance to stand here.

Tianhu was heartbroken and couldn't bear to see Zhongwen being hurt again because of him. He said loudly: "Brother, in the next life, we must be brothers. Brother will take the first step."

After Tianhu finished speaking, he turned around and jumped off the cliff. Zhongwen was shocked and reached out to pull him, but he didn't hold back anything. He watched Tianhu's figure fall into the abyss, and at this moment, a sharp arrow came menacingly. A sharp arrow pierced his back, he dodged sideways, dodged this sharp arrow, but failed to dodge the other one.

Luo Xiucheng held a bow and arrow, and fired three arrows in a row. Zhongwen couldn't avoid the last shot. The sharp arrow pierced his chest fiercely. The tiger then fell off the cliff.

A black shadow was hidden behind the bushes, and he planned to rush out to rescue the prince, but seeing the prince and Dingxihou both fell off the cliff, he stood up and shrank back. If he appeared at this time, he would definitely die, he couldn't die , he still wants to pass the news here to the capital, otherwise, the death of Lord Hou and Lord Wang will become meaningless.


Seven days later, Chu Palace.

The chief inspector came in a hurry and handed a letter to Qi Rongyue: "Princess, this is a secret letter sent by Commander Fu Hu."

Rong Yue hastily accepted the secret letter. Ten days ago, he had sent a letter to Fu Hu, asking him to send someone secretly to the western border to investigate the whereabouts of Zhong Wen and Tian Hu. It seems that there is news in the letter now.

She took the letter and turned back into the room, opened the secret letter and read it word by word, frowning and frowning, and her eyes were full of worry.

Sure enough, as she expected, Zhongwen and Tianhu were plotted by Luoxiu City in the western border, Tianhu was captured, Zhongwen went to rescue, and was chased and killed by Luoxiucheng. Both of them fell off the cliff and died. I don't know.

Afterwards, Luoxiu City led an army of [-] troops to march northward, besieging cities and plundering land along the way, taking down several cities in succession.

The letter also mentioned that when Luoxiu City was besieging the city all the way, no soldiers were injured, and only one qin master was sent to play the qin in front of the gate of Daguan. The guards would lose their minds when they heard the sound of the qin , at the mercy of others.

(End of this chapter)

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