Chapter 912 Jin Langqin

Chapter 921

She handed the letter to Chu Tianqi and said, "Luoxiu City is rebellious."

After Tianqi read the letter, his face turned pale: "Brother Zhongwen is dead?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "No, he's not dead, he's definitely not dead."

Tian Qi remained silent, staring straight at his sister, feeling very sad.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "It's true, he's really not dead, I can feel it here." There is a mysterious force between her and Zhong Wen that connects them, she can feel that he is still alive, because she thinks of him When he was in love, the flame imprint on his chest would still be burning like a fire, just like the pain in his chest every time he thought of her, if one of them died, all these feelings would disappear.

Tian Qi read the letter again, and said angrily: "If I had known that Luo Xiu City dared to rebel, I should not have let him leave the capital alive."

Rong Yue smiled wryly: "How can there be so many things in this world that were known earlier, and now it seems that the sudden outbreak of the plague in the palace must have something to do with him."

Tian Qi nodded: "I think so too, this guy is as insidious and cunning as Luo Ji said, and full of tricks." Thinking of the cities captured by Luoxiu City, he couldn't help grit his teeth and said: "Is there no one in this world who can Is it something that can restrain the magic sound? If Luoxiu City brings [-] elite soldiers to the city in the future, how can we stop the magic sound?"

Rong Yue recalled that when she was in Xijiang, Yuan Dao once told her that the magic sound is not without nemesis. To overcome the magic sound, besides having super self-control to stay awake, there is one more thing that can make the magic sound invalid .

Rong Yue said: "I have a solution, but there is one thing missing right now."

Tian Qi's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "What else is missing?"

She quickly took a pen and paper and wrote three words, 'Jin Langqin'.

Tianqi was puzzled, and pointed to the three characters 'Jinlangqin' on the paper and asked: "Isn't this Jinlangqin a precious qin handed down from ancient times? It is rumored that it was destroyed by two brothers because of excessive force when they robbed it a hundred years ago. Lost."

Rong Yue nodded: "That's right, the Jinlang Baoqin passed down in ancient times was indeed destroyed a hundred years ago, the strings and the body of the piano were cut off with a single knife."

"However, the broken piano body was repaired by a skilled craftsman later, only the strings could not be restored."

Tianqi said: "Can a qin that doesn't even have strings be called a qin?"

Rong Yue laughed and said: "Baoqin is just a Baoqin. If the strings are broken, you can just renew one, but the Jinlangqin has not been re-stringed in the past hundred years, that's because it has never met someone who really understands the piano Owner."

She has always wanted to see the true face of Jinlang Baoqin, but she has been unable to do so because of various things. Now that the situation is so overwhelming, it seems that this time, she finally has the opportunity to see the elegance of Jinlang Baoqin.

"Then where is this golden Lang Baoqin at this time?" Tian Qi asked.

Rong Yue asked without answering, "Have you heard of the Sima family in Dongjun?"

Chu Tianqi thought for a while, then nodded: "I seem to have heard that the Sima family is a big family in Dongjun. The family has been passed down for thousands of years. Eighty percent of the people in Dongjun have the surname Sima."

Rong Yue nodded: "It is this Sima family. The Jinlang Baoqin is the Sima family's treasure handed down from generation to generation. The two brothers who competed for the Baoqin a hundred years ago are members of the Sima family."

"Almost everyone in Dongjun Shangle can play a few pieces of music. There are pianos for sale in every shop. Isn't there a saying that is spread all over the world?" .'"

(End of this chapter)

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