Chapter 922

Chapter 931

Sima Changfeng grinned and said: "I also know a thing or two, it seems that I am the like-minded friend you want to meet."

Rong Yue looked at him sideways, seeing his bright eyes, she laughed 'puchi': "Brother Sima's words are really interesting."

While the two were talking, they walked out of the intersection and walked a little further to the inn where she and Liang'er were staying, but Sima Changfeng didn't seem to want to say goodbye, so she simply stopped in her tracks: "Brother Sima, can you return?" Is something wrong?"

Sima Changfeng scratched his head, glanced at the girl who was following Liang'er, and said with a smile, "I hurt her. I said I would be responsible to the end, so I can't break my promise."

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows: "I don't know how brother Sima wants to be responsible?"

Sima Changfeng smiled and said, "Naturally, I need to know where you live first, and then visit her from time to time until she recovers."

Liang'er thought that the princess is a wife and mother, and it's not good to be entangled by a man like this, so she tried to persuade him: "Mr. Sima, my son likes to be quiet and doesn't like to make trouble. We appreciate Mr. Sima's kindness. Please also invite Mr. Sima to marry me." Go back, you don't need to pay for the medical expenses, even if you don't come to visit her, she will gradually get better under our careful care, so you don't have to worry about it."

Sima Changfeng immediately waved his hand: "You can't say that. I hit the person, and I am responsible for her. Besides, I don't feel at ease if you take the person away like this. Who knows if you have also installed something?" Bad intentions, if I can visit her often, I will know if she is well, otherwise I will feel sorry for her."

What he said seemed to make some sense, Rong You finally nodded: "It's up to you, we will live in this Xiaoqiao Inn, Tianzi Room No. [-]."

Sima Changfeng got the letter, so he didn't follow anymore, and said cheerfully: "Okay, it's getting late today, I'll visit her again tomorrow." After saying that, he rubbed the little girl's black hair, turned and left up.

Seeing the little girl staring at Si Yuan Changfeng's back without blinking, Liang'er asked with a smile, "What are you looking at?"

The little girl said crisply: "Brother Sima is really good-looking."

Liang'er was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "That's the prettiest one you've ever seen."

Her family's prince is also an extremely handsome man, and Jin Wang is even more handsome, even if a woman stands beside him, he will not be inferior in good looks.

Although the emperor is young, he is also rare and handsome, if anyone is taken out, he is more than ten times more handsome than Sima Changfeng.

"What's your name?" Liang'er asked.

"My name is Zhaodi."

"Who's in the house?"

Zhaodi's complexion became a little gloomy, and his voice became deeper and deeper: "My father and my mother, and three older sisters and one younger brother."

Liang'er looked surprised: "So your parents took away three older sisters and one younger brother, but you are the only one left behind?"

Rong Yue at the side also cast her gaze on Zhaodi's face when she heard the words, her eyes were full of pity.

Brother Zhao endured the pain in his chest, and shook his head slightly: "No, they only took my brother away alone."

Liang'er hurriedly asked: "What about your three older sisters?"

Brother Zhao lowered his head: "They were all sold by Daddy."

In fact, she lied earlier, she had indeed been sold to that scoundrel by her father, she ran out secretly, her mother asked her to wait at the street corner, waiting for her to pick her up, but in the end she never did.

Liang'er and Rongyue also thought of this, and felt more sympathy for Zhaodi's experience, children who were born with misfortune.

(End of this chapter)

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