Chapter 923 A chess piece

Chapter 932

In this world, I don't know how many poor children like her are suffering.

Some people value sons over daughters, some people don't treat girls as human beings at all, and some people trade them for money for future.

This kind of thing doesn't just happen among the people.

How many daughters of high-ranking officials and noble families seem to have infinite beauty on the surface, but in fact they are just pawns in the hearts of father and brother.

Like Qi Rongyue back then, like Luo Ji.

She said to Zhaodi: "Forget the past, you will have a better future. From now on, you are no longer Zhaodi, you are Yinger, and you will have a brand new life."

Ying'er nodded: "Thank you, my lord."

When the three of them returned to the inn, Rong Yue took out the pain-relieving pill from the medicine box and told her to take one pill every day, which could relieve part of the pain, and after the most difficult first few days, the pain would not be so painful later on.

Rong Yue originally lived in the same room with Bing'er, and now that Ying'er was added, she reopened a room and let Ying'er live alone. Inappropriate.

Yinger is seven years old this year. As long as she can remember, she has been helping her sister at home every day. At first, she just did some cleaning work. Later, her sisters were sold by her father one after another. She and her brother who is one year younger are left at home. , her parents dote on her younger brother very much, and they cling to her younger brother in everything that is delicious and nice to wear. Apart from working, she eats cold rice and half-baked steamed buns all day long. She has never had a good day.

He was only seven years old, and his hands developed chilblains in winter. He had never worn cotton shoes, and the cotton clothes were remade from his mother's old clothes. During the Chinese New Year, his parents and younger brother wore new clothes to eat a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, and he was busy all day. All day long, she can't even drink a bowl of hot soup, so how can she talk about eating at the table with her parents.

But after all, they are her parents, and after all, following them can at least have a bite to eat and shelter, so after escaping from Fat Ninth Master's house, she still found her home based on her memory, and the home was no longer hers. With the money from selling her, her parents hired a carriage and planned to take her younger brother back to her hometown in Northwest China. She begged her parents to take her with her, but her mother left her at the intersection and tricked her into waiting on the street. Mouth, this class is three days and three nights.

The room in the inn is really comfortable, with clean tables and chairs, a soft bed, and a stove burning high-quality silver charcoal. After sitting down for a while, Xiao Er brought rich food into the room, and then He filled the wooden barrel in the bathroom with hot water and brought her a brand new cotton coat.

All this was like a dream, and she was afraid that everything would be the same after waking up from the dream.

The severe pain in her chest made her feel at ease, this was not a dream.

The next day, Sima Changfeng came as expected. When he saw Yinger, who had put on new clothes and washed cleanly, he was stunned: "Are you really that dirty girl from yesterday?"

Ying'er smiled shyly: "I have a new name now, my name is Ying'er."

Sima Changfeng nodded again and again: "Ying'er is a good name, come here, I brought you some delicious snacks, you have a taste." He put the snacks in his hand on the table, opened a bag, and the air immediately There is a sweet smell.

Ying'er swallowed, and looked up at Rongyue who was cleaning the instrument.

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "Eat quickly, he hurt you, so it's right to spend some money."

Ying'er was so happy that she quickly picked up a piece of mung bean cake and brought it to her mouth for a bite.

"Is it delicious?" Sima Changfeng asked.

(End of this chapter)

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