Chapter 924
Chapter 933

Ying'er nodded hurriedly: "It's delicious, it's really delicious." While talking, she took another piece of sesame cake, and finished it in three or two bites.

Seeing this, Liang'er stepped forward and poured her a cup of warm tea, and said softly, "Although this snack is delicious, you can't be greedy for too much, you'll feel bloated soon."

Upon hearing this, Ying'er obediently put down one of the two cakes she was holding, and said timidly, "Can I have another piece?"

Liang'er nodded with a smile: "Okay, I can only eat this piece, the rest will be eaten tomorrow, it's all yours."

Ying'er was very happy. She had heard such things before, but it was her mother who told her younger brother in front of her. She had never eaten any of the cakes bought from outside.

Sima Changfeng's eyes fell on Rong Yue, and seeing him carefully cleaning a newly bought qin, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you planning to use this qin to participate in the piano competition?"

Rong Yue nodded: "Of course, is there any problem?"

Sima Changfeng walked up to her, pointed at the qin and said, "The problem is serious. Your qin may not be too common. People who came to Dongjun from various regions to participate in the piano competition, who didn't bring Who would use such a mediocre violin when you come to a high-quality violin?"

Rong Yue shrugged: "But I only have this violin, which is already the best one I picked in many violin shops yesterday, and there is nothing better than this."

Sima Changfeng shook his head: "This kind of violin is naturally considered top-notch in the violin shop, but compared with the violins brought by the luthiers who came to participate in the violin fighting competition, it is simply a difference. Can't make it through a round."

Rong Yue raised her eyebrows: "Why do you know that? Brother Sima thinks that the quality of the qin is only judged by the quality of the qin?"

Sima Changfeng waved his hand: "That's not what I meant."

Rong Yue put down the cloth towel in her hand, and smiled lightly: "Isn't that what you mean? Then Brother Sima saw that my violin equipment is ordinary, so he immediately decided that I couldn't even pass the first round of the competition, so why?"

Sima Changfeng was tongue-tied. Speaking of it this way, he seemed to really have this intention, but then again, how could a person who really knows how to play the qin not even have a good qin?And judging from his clothes and demeanor, it's not that he can't afford a good piano.

Rong Yue said again: "Although I'm not very good at qin, I also know that even an ordinary qin can also play very beautiful music. Whether you can hear the beauty of it depends on listening. Does anyone really know how to play the piano?"

Sima Changfeng laughed a few times, and said awkwardly: "Yes, yes, I am really shallow, Brother Chu, don't blame me."

Rong Yue shook her head: "We can't call it weird, people are different after all, you have your own thoughts, it's normal, but, since we are not the same way, why should we have a close relationship, Brother Sima, please go back. "

The more this happened, the more Sima Changfeng became curious about him. This young man has a pair of beautiful and outrageous eyes, but he has an extremely ordinary face, which is always elegant and calm. There seems to be something hidden in the beautiful eyes. A secret, a secret that he couldn't help but want to find out.

"I don't think we are not in the same way. On the contrary, I think we are in the same way. Brother Chu, see you at the competition tomorrow." He cupped his fists at him, said goodbye and left.

Originally, he didn't plan to compete this year, but at this moment, he had the urge to compete with it.

In the family, his piano skills are not considered superb, and even his younger sister plays better than him.

(End of this chapter)

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