Chapter 925 Male Competitiveness

Chapter 934

At this moment, the male's competitive spirit was completely stimulated, and he wanted to prove to Brother Chu how much a good violin is really useful.

As soon as Sima Changfeng left, Liang'er couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Sima's tone is too crazy, how does he know that you can't pass the first level?"

Rong Yue smiled lightly, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes: "He is the eldest son of the Sima family, and no matter how good his piano skills are, all the piano instruments he sees on weekdays must be very precious treasures. Playing the piano in my hand is also normal."

Liang'er looked curious: "How do you know he is the eldest son of the Sima family?"

Rong Yue smiled mysteriously, took a pen and paper and quickly drew a pattern, which was exactly the pattern she had seen from the files related to the Sima family in the palace, a pattern of a lyre placed on the top of a mountain.

This is the family crest of the Sima family. Only those of the direct line are eligible to wear the jade pendant engraved with the clan crest. As far as she knows, the current Patriarch Sima has five children, four daughters and one son.

In other words, there is only one young man in his twenties who wears a jade pendant engraved with the family emblem.

He is the eldest son of this generation of the Sima family and the future heir of the Sima family.

Liang'er was even more confused: "Since you know that he is the heir of the Sima family, why didn't you establish a good relationship with him instead of saying such unfeeling words just now?"

Rong Yue lightly smiled: "You will soon know why."

Since she is the heir of the Sima family, she must have the same characteristics as the previous Sima family heads. As long as she shows enough talent in front of him, his eyes will fall on her again. At that time, she will formally meet him. , would be more appropriate than it is now.

The next day
Piano Competition officially begins

Liang'er stays in the inn to take care of Ying'er, and she carries the piano alone to Sima's school field, where the first round of competition will be held.

There were two rows of low tables in the school grounds, one low table and one cushion in the middle, all the contestants crowded into an open space in the field, waiting for the attendants to come and call their names.

Soon, the two rows of low tables were full of people, men, women, young and old, all of them were gentle and kind-hearted.

"Brother Chu, let's meet again." Sima Changfeng squeezed into her side at some point, patted her shoulder affectionately, put his broad palm on her shoulder, and seemed to have no intention of taking it away.

She turned slightly sideways, causing the palms on her shoulders to drop, and smiled dryly: "Yeah, we meet again, Brother Sima is also here to compete?"

Sima Changfeng squeezed his palms together, and thought to himself: Brother Chu's shoulders are really thin, as thin as a woman's.

He said: "Yes, I'm here to compete today, and I hope Brother Chu can enter the next round like me."

She smiled: "Brother Sima looks very confident."

Sima Changfeng shrugged: "That's right, if I don't even make it to the second round, my father may decide how to punish me. Even if I risk my life, I will still make it to the second round."

Her smile became brighter and brighter: "Brother Sima really knows how to joke. This is a competition of piano skills, not a competition of fighting. What's the use of risking your life?"

Sima Changfeng also laughed: "It's good if you laugh, I thought you were really angry with me and refused to talk to me anymore."

He stared at that extremely ordinary face, and the smile on his face was so bright, it was obviously a very ordinary face, but there was always a kind of attraction that made people unable to take their eyes off.

 There will be an explosive update on the 15th, wait a few more days, I am writing the manuscript desperately, and I don’t have time to look back at the manuscript, please bear with me if there are typos or something, thank you everyone~~ Ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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