Chapter 927
Chapter 936

Sima Yue's face was filled with joy: "Really?"

Sima Changfeng nodded heavily: "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask him." He pointed to Rongyue beside him, and Sima Yue gave him a suspicious look: "Who is he? Do you know him?"

Sima Changfeng hurriedly introduced: "Of course I know him. He is my friend, Mr. Chu Yu, and he came from Kyoto."

Rong Yue smiled lightly, and cupped her hands towards Sima Yue: "Miss Sima is polite."

Sima Yue returned a salute, and replied quietly: "Young Master Chu is polite."

Sima Changfeng smiled and said, "Brother Chu, tell her quickly how she played just now?"

Rong Yue glanced at Sima Changfeng's face indifferently, and said with a half-smile: "Brother Sima said yes, that's naturally very good."

Sima Yue's originally smiling face immediately changed color: "Mr. Chu, what do you mean? You mean I can't play well?"

Rong Yue shook her head: "What I mean is that not only Xi Shi is in the eyes of a lover, but the Fairy of Joy can also be in the ears of a lover."

Sima Yue was stunned for a moment, then blushed, cast a coquettish look at Rong Yue, and said angrily, "Master Chu really knows how to joke." After saying that, she gave Sima Changfeng an affectionate look, and finally walked away.

Sima Changfeng got goosebumps from her glance, and when she left, he trembled violently: "My God, this woman's eyes are too scary."

Rong Yue glanced sideways at Sima Changfeng, and sighed: "There are people who are always in the midst of blessings but don't know how to be blessed. What a wonderful girl, Brother Sima, don't let me down."

Sima Changfeng was about to explain, when a sharp gaze came from the front and fixed on his face, he immediately kept silent, pretending to be listening to the piano very seriously.

From then on, that sharp gaze fixed on his face from time to time, seeming to glance at him inadvertently, or to monitor him deliberately.

Rong Yue secretly smiled, it seems that Patriarch Sima disciplined Sima Changfeng very strictly.

At noon, the attendant stopped announcing the name and asked everyone to go to eat first and wait for an hour before starting.

Patriarch Sima got up from behind the table, brushed the folds of his clothes, and scanned the scattered crowd with his majestic eyes. He didn't see his son, and without saying much, he turned and strode away.

"Brother Sima, what are you doing?" As soon as the attendants stopped, she was immediately dragged by Sima Changfeng and ran out of the school grounds.

Sima Changfeng turned his head and looked behind him, seeing that no one was chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I don't want to eat with those people who keep a straight face all day long, if I can get away with it, I will."

Rong Yue tugged at her arm, and smiled dryly: "Brother Sima, please let go, it hurts."

Only then did Sima Changfeng realize that his hand was holding onto Chu Yu's arm, and he quickly released it: "I'm sorry, I'm trying too hard." It wasn't until he let go of his hand that he realized that Chu Yu's arm seemed to be It was thinner than the average man's arm, soft to the touch, and comfortable to hold, so comfortable that he even forgot to let go.

He shook his head and smiled secretly: What are you thinking, it's just that he's thinner than the average man.

He pointed to a restaurant not far ahead and said, "The braised chicken here is pretty good, go try it?" He asked Rong Yue.

Rong Yue nodded: "Okay."

The two entered the restaurant, and Sima Changfeng was obviously a regular customer here, so he ordered a few dishes and ordered a jug of wine very skillfully.

Rong Yue said with a smile: "I have to compete with the piano in the afternoon, is it appropriate to drink alcohol?"

Sima Changfeng said: "We are all at the back of the queue. When the people in front finish playing and it is our turn, the smell of alcohol will have dissipated long ago. Who knows."

(End of this chapter)

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