Chapter 928 Green Apricot Wine

Chapter 937

Rong Yue didn't say much, after all, they were not very familiar with each other, since he wanted to drink, she couldn't stop her, it was the right thing to keep her mouth shut.

As soon as the wine was served, Sima Changfeng filled her a glass immediately: "Come on, come on, it's a fate to meet, for our rare fate, let's have a drink."

Rong Yue smelled that the aroma of the wine was not mellow, and she thought it was not strong, so she raised her glass boldly and drank it. The taste of the wine was more like fruit wine, with a sweet fragrance, which was different from the wine she had drunk before.

"What kind of wine is this?" She couldn't help drinking another glass.

Sima Changfeng said: "This is green apricot wine. It is brewed with secret methods. It is the only one in the entire Chu Dynasty. There is no other semicolon."

Sima Changfeng didn't pour her any more wine, she actually held the pot and filled a glass for herself.

Sima Changfeng laughed and said, "I'm not being stingy. Ordinary people will get drunk after three cups of this wine. You've already had two cups just now, so don't drink any more."

Rong Yue didn't believe it: "This wine is as sweet as honey, how can I get drunk." While speaking, he raised his glass and raised his head, the wine poured into his belly.

At this time Xiaoer had already put all the dishes on the table, she took the chopsticks to pick up the dishes, it was strange to say, the dish was clearly in front of her eyes, she held up the chopsticks to pick up the dishes, but she couldn't pick them up anyway.

Seeing her like this, Sima Changfeng was overjoyed, and put a piece of hot stuffed chicken nugget in the bowl in front of her: "I told you I can't drink three cups, but you don't believe me, do you believe me again?"

Rong Yue also realized that she might be really drunk, the Sima Changfeng in front of her was no longer one Sima Changfeng, but two.

She subconsciously called to her side: "Liang'er, bring me my medicine box." There was a cup of special hangover pills in the medicine box, taking one, it will take effect immediately.

It's a pity that no one around her responded to her, and then she remembered that Liang'er was left in the inn by her to take care of the injured Ying'er.

She reached out to touch the cuff again. Usually she would hide the needle bag in the cuff, but today she didn't touch anything. For the convenience of playing the piano, she took off the needle bag before going out, without a single silver needle.

Her consciousness became more and more blurred, and there were no longer two Sima Changfeng in front of her, but seven or eight. With a bang, her head fell on the table, and she fell asleep.

Sima Changfeng shook his head helplessly: "I told you not to drink, but you didn't listen." Thinking of the piano fighting competition in the afternoon, he secretly blamed himself for bringing him to drink. He didn't know how to blame himself for the piano competition.

He didn't want to eat any more, so he got up and clasped his arm, and lifted him up to leave.

After leaving the restaurant, he helped Chu Yu go straight to a pharmacy, asked the owner of the pharmacy for a bowl of hangover soup, and poured it down several times before pouring it down.

I don't know if it was because he was too drunk, or if the hangover soup had an effect, but Chu Yu vomited on top of him. Not only did he spit out all the hangover soup that he had just swallowed, but he even vomited up the noodles he ate in the morning. all over him.

The smell—it made him want to vomit even if he smelled it.

It's over, it's over, today's piano competition seems to have been ruined by him, and I don't know how Brother Chu will blame him when he wakes up.

Regardless of the bad smell on his body, he helped Chu Yu to the nearest piano shop.

"Eldest son, why are you here? Isn't today a day for playing the piano?" The man greeted him warmly.

Sima Changfeng said: "Don't talk so much nonsense, quickly go and get two clean clothes, don't you see that our whole body smells bad?"

The clerk hurried to fetch two sets of clothes, and helped Chu Yu, who was so drunk that he didn't know anything, into the room in the backyard together with the eldest son.

(End of this chapter)

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