Chapter 930 Wonderful Qin Art

Chapter 940

The originally chattering crowd quieted down. Who could believe that such a beautiful piano sound came from that extremely ordinary piano instrument.

Sima Changfeng stared in amazement at Chu Yu who was sitting on the ground in the arena. His back was facing him, his back was straight, his slender neck was slightly bent, and his expression was focused. He is the one who really understands the piano and is good at the piano.

Patriarch Sima didn't open his eyes from the beginning to the end, he just wanted to immerse himself in the wonderful sound, and didn't want to miss even a syllable by opening his eyes to see people.

Because it was agreed in advance, only one section was played, and when the sound fell, everyone was still full of ideas, especially Patriarch Sima, who closed his eyes and yelled: "Why did you stop? Go on, go on!"

The attendant at the side reminded: "Patriarch, Mr. Chu has already finished playing one section, and everyone is only playing one section."

Only then did Patriarch Sima open his eyes, and his gaze fell on the young man sitting behind the table.

Didn't this young man stand with Chang Feng in the morning?Judging from the way they are talking and laughing, it seems that they have a good relationship.

"You are Chu Yu?"

Rong Yue got up, and said to the Sima Patriarch, "I'm Chu Yu, a native of Kyoto."

Patriarch Sima nodded again and again: "What a Chu Yu, the skills are amazing, really amazing."

She smiled lightly: "The head of the family has too much reputation, and I dare not be ashamed."

Patriarch Sima waved his hand: "I said you dare to do it, so you dare to do it. I hope that in the next round of competition, I can see your more wonderful piano skills."

She smiled: "I will definitely live up to the expectations of the Patriarch."

She is considered to be the first person to be praised by Patriarch Sima since the start of the competition today. There were many people who were very good at the piano before, but they only got praise from Patriarch Sima's eyes, but they never heard him speak.

She returned to the crowd with her qin, and was immediately replaced by another qin player.

Sima Changfeng pulled her back to the corner of the crowd, and interrogated: "You really just bought this piano at random in a street shop outside?"

She nodded: "Didn't you see it yesterday? Why? What's the problem?"

Sima Changfeng sighed: "I never knew that such an ordinary instrument can play such a beautiful fairy sound."

Rong Yue smiled lightly: "No matter how bad the piano is, it has its strengths. As long as you know where the strengths of the piano are and make good use of it, you will naturally be able to play wonderful piano music."

"Your master must be very powerful and very proud to be able to teach a student like you." Thinking of his father, the eyes that hate iron and steel all day long, if he can play at Brother Chu's level, my father will be happy crazy.

She shook her head: "I don't have a master."

Sima Changfeng looked incredulous: "You don't have a master? Then how did you learn the piano?"

She shrugged: "You can play it by yourself, you can play it after playing, it's very simple."

Sima Changfeng looked at her like a monster, simple?Play blindly?Can you just play around?
The attendants outside here have already called Sima Changfeng's name, she was going to leave, but after thinking about it, she turned back, listening to Sima Changfeng's piano skills before leaving.

What Sima Changfeng used was an ancient ebony zither with a black body and the strings were also black. It seemed that the celestial silk was impregnated with a layer of sound liquid made of smelted gold powder and copper scraps. The sound of the piano is more transparent and ethereal, the sound transmission is farther, and it is not easy to change the sound.

Playing music with such a qin, as long as the rhyme is not bad, and the sound is not leaked, the music must be pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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