Chapter 931 Ebony

Chapter 941

The tune must be pleasant, but it lacks a bit of aura. Patriarch Sima closed his eyes and never opened them, nor did he speak, his brows were slightly frowned.

When everyone finished playing, the attendant said loudly: "This is the end of today's competition, everyone go back to rest first, and tomorrow the younger ones will post the ranking list on the bulletin board at the entrance of the market. Entering the second round, I'm very sorry for those after fifty, come back next year."

The crowd dispersed, Rong Yue also followed the flow of people out, Sima Changfeng caught up a few steps, wanted to say goodbye to Chu Yu, but was stopped by an attendant: "My lord, the Patriarch invites you to go over."

Sima Changfeng had no choice but to go back with his attendants.

Hearing the familiar footsteps approaching him, Patriarch Sima finally slowly opened his eyes, staring sharply at his son in front of him: "Have you practiced the piano recently?"

Sima Changfeng nodded quickly: "Of course I practiced. How could I forget what my father told me?"

Patriarch Sima snorted coldly: "I'm afraid it's not that I forgot, but that I never took it to heart."

Sima Changfeng smiled dryly: "Where, everywhere, I practice the piano very seriously, really."

Patriarch Sima glanced at the boy who was carrying the piano, and said coldly: "I practiced the piano very seriously, but in the end, I only played like this?"

"Am I not playing well? I can hear everyone agreeing." He said with a smile on his face.

Patriarch Sima snorted softly: "They said yes, that is to praise the black bone qin, what does it have to do with you?"

Sima Changfeng smiled and said, "No matter how good the black bone harp is, it's still a dead thing, isn't it? It's mainly because I play it well that it can make such a nice sound, right?"

Patriarch Sima didn't bother to argue with him, so he simply asked, "That Chu Yu, do you know him?"

Sima Changfeng nodded: "Yes, we had a drink together at noon, he can't drink enough, he was drunk, just now when Uncle Wu called his name, he was still sleeping."

Patriarch Sima raised his brows slightly: "He can play so well when he's drunk? If he's sober, what's the deal?"

Sima Changfeng nodded: "That's right. He couldn't see people clearly before. He can play so well when he's drunk. It must be better when he's sober."

"How do you know each other? Do you know who he is? Who is the master?"

Sima Changfeng sighed: "We also met by chance. He is from the capital. I don't know the details, but just now I asked him who his master is, and he said he didn't have a master. Playing the piano is just pure and simple. I like it, so I played it blindly, as if it was fun, but I played it like this after playing it..."

Patriarch Sima was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sighed: "We are both human beings at the same age. Look at them, and then at yourself. How much energy have I spent teaching you? But where have you learned? ? If you can have half of Chu Yu's skill, I will thank my ancestors."

Sima Changfeng shrugged: "Father, you can't talk like that. People have different aspirations. Chu Yu likes to play the piano by nature, so he can learn it without a teacher, and he can play it so well, but I don't like it. You Force me to learn, can I learn well?"

Patriarch Sima glared at him immediately: "What are you talking about? I force you to learn it? Have you forgotten your last name? Have you forgotten your identity? You are the sole heir of the Sima family. If you don’t learn, if you don’t learn well, how can you take up this important task?”

(End of this chapter)

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