Chapter 932 Your Identity
Chapter 942

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Sima Changfeng was very helpless, he could almost recite what his father would say next.

This kind of long-winded lesson comes almost every few days.

Unexpectedly, my father didn't play cards according to common sense, and the words that he usually had to say suddenly choked back.

"Chang Feng, does Chu Yu know your identity?"

Sima Changfeng shook his head: "I don't know if he knows or not. I didn't say it, and he didn't ask. If he knows enough about our Sima family, he should be able to guess my identity. It’s hard to say.”

Patriarch Sima nodded: "I see, you have time to learn from others, such a good opportunity, don't always think about having fun."

Sima Changfeng kept nodding, rubbed his painful temples helplessly, and sighed: "I know, I know, Dad, do you know what is so scary about you?"

Patriarch Sima was puzzled: "What is it?"

Sima Changfeng took a step back, and said with a smile: "Nagging, more nagging than my mother, I really wonder if your senior is a boudoir and dissatisfied woman."

Patriarch Sima blew his beard and stared angrily, jumped up and chased his son shouting, Sima Changfeng dodged nimbly.

At this time, a middle-aged woman with a handsome face came over and shouted to the two of them: "You two, how old are you, and you still make such a scene in public, let outsiders see it, and say that our Sima Mansion is a little bit There are no rules."

Sima Changfeng ran to his mother's side to hide, and said with a smile: "Mother, don't blame me, my father will beat me before I say a word, you have to make decisions for me."

Mrs. Sima turned her head to look at him and asked suspiciously, "What's on your forehead?"

She reached out and wiped her son's forehead, and some sticky things stuck to her fingers.

Sima Changfeng also stretched out his hand to wipe it, and found that there was a lot of dark yellow sticky substance on his finger.

"What is this? Where did it come from?" He was also confused, how could this thing be on his hands and face?
Patriarch Sima took a look at Sima Changfeng's hand, and asked, "I don't know what you touched?"

What did you touch?He thought about it carefully, he just played the piano, before playing the piano, he only touched Chu Yu, put his arms around his waist, held his shoulders, and even took his nose.

Thinking back when he pinched his nose, he really felt a little sticky. Could it be that it was on Chu Yu's face?
"What did you think of?" Patriarch Sima asked.

He told the truth: "Earlier when Chu Yu was drunk, it happened to be his turn to play. To wake him up, I pinched his nose, as if it was something on his nose." He turned to his mother and asked, "Mother, do you usually play?" Is this what you wipe on your face?"

Mrs. Sima shook her head: "Of course not, but the thing in your hand looks like a paint for disguise."

The father and son said in unison, "Chang Rong?"

Mrs. Sima gave them a blank look: "Look at the way you are making a fuss, what's so strange about disguises? How many men and women wear human skin masks on their faces to completely cover themselves when they walk around the rivers and lakes? face, or paint some special paint on the face to cover up their skin color."

Sima Changfeng thought of Chu Yu's dark yellow complexion, and thought of Chu Yu's fair neck and slender fingers when he was playing the piano by chance when he was changing clothes at the piano shop. These complexions were completely different from his face. .

(End of this chapter)

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