Chapter 934

Chapter 944

However, she is just a servant girl, she can do whatever the young master says, and she has no room to refute.

After Xiao Li stepped back, Baili Changfeng thought to himself, is it because Xiao Li is too familiar with him?Or is it because Xiao Li is too young to have the charm of that kind of woman, so he can't arouse his desire/desire?
He had to figure it out today, whether he liked women or men.

Thinking of this, he got up and picked up the clothes that fell on the ground, quickly dressed them, and hurried out after washing up, not even bringing the servant with him.


"Hey—isn't this the eldest son? You are a rare visitor. How long has it been since you came to our beauty salon?" Xiang's mother swung her green handkerchief, and approached Sima Changfeng's arm affectionately. His chest rubbed against his side once and for all.

Xiang's mother is only in her early thirties this year. Although her appearance is not outstanding, she is still somewhat charming. Many men like her, and she doesn't even like those green girls in the beauty shop. A woman like Mama Xiang with a lot of flair and tricks is exciting.

Sima Changfeng wanted to die in embarrassment. The last time he came, he was tricked into it by a friend three years ago. He ran away after sitting for half an hour, and never came again.

He deliberately avoided Xiang's mother's big breasts that kept rubbing against his side, his face was as red as blood, and he regretted coming here.

It was still early, and there were not many people in the restaurant. Most of the girls hadn't woken up yet, and even if they did, they were still getting dressed. Mother Xiang was afraid that the guests would leave if they couldn't wait, so she deliberately lit the fire, trying to keep them down.

Which man enters the beauty hall, doesn't he want to wipe his feet when he sees oil and water?This eldest son is an interesting person, instead of licking her oily water, he looks like she has wiped all his oily water.

"I heard that the eldest son has never married a wife. Could it be that he is greedy for the beauty of this world?" Xiang's mother put her hand on Sima Changfeng's chest, and pressed it lightly a few times.

Sima Changfeng was so embarrassed that he hurriedly changed his seat and sat as far away from Xiang's mother as possible. He smiled: "I'm here today to listen to the music. I heard that there is a girl named Ruyu who is very good at the piano in your Hongyan Pavilion." , I don't know if I can show you face?"

Xiang's mother knew Sima Changfeng, and knew that he was the sole heir of the Sima family, the largest family in Dongjun City.Even if Ruyu is lying in another man's arms now, she has to be pulled over.

"My lord, please wait a moment, I'll invite Ruyu over here." Xiang's mother went happily.

Mr. Sima is different from ordinary men, he is not the kind of extravagant person at first glance, such a person likes to be arty, but also attaches great importance to friendship, if Ruyu can catch his heart, when he redeems her body, he will definitely Willing to pay a big price, thinking of this, Xiang's mother's pace became more relaxed.

Ru Yu just got up and was doing her makeup in front of the mirror. Seeing Xiang's mother coming in, she said without raising her head, "I'm going out to buy rouge today. I agreed not to pick up customers."

Xiang's mother smiled and said: "Silly daughter, if it's an ordinary person, can I disturb you? Guess who called your name today?"

Ruyu raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Who else could it be? Mr. Liao?" Seeing Xiang's mother shaking her head, she said again: "Mr. Xu?"

"No, no, neither."

"Could it be Mr. Wei?" Mentioning Mr. Wei, her eyes were full of disgust. When a man in his 60s and [-]s, with fat all over his body, came to her side, his mouth stinky, she almost couldn't hold back a few times. To vomit.

(End of this chapter)

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