Chapter 935
Chapter 945

"Neither, you guess again." Xiang's mother smiled smugly.

Ruyu thought for a while, her eyebrows brightened: "Could it be Mr. Sima?"

Xiang's mother reached out and squeezed Ruyu's arm, and said with a smile, "It's Mr. Sima, but it's not the Mr. Sima you know, but the eldest son of the Sima family, Sima Changfeng."

Ruyu was taken aback, she had heard of Sima Changfeng's name, it is said that he is now 22 years old, but he has not yet taken a wife, the daughter of an elder in the clan admired him very much, and chased him for three full years, unless he would not marry .

Such a person will also come to the beauty hall?
"Mom, is it really Mr. Sima? He called my name?" She couldn't believe it. She had never seen Mr. Sima, nor heard that he had been to the beauty hall.

Xiang's mother smiled and said, "It's true, I've seen him once before, he's unmistakable, he's handsome, why don't you hurry up and follow me, it's not good to make people wait."

Ruyu immediately smiled, got up and took off the more conservative outer blouse, and ordered the girl to bring her favorite lavender smoked gauze outer blouse. Inside the smoked gauze blouse, she only wore a chest-wrapping skirt, which was slender and white. The thin neck, the slender and charming collarbone, the looming peaks and grooves, and the entire slim figure under the veil are all fatal temptations to men.

Both Xiang's mother and Ruyu knew in their hearts that her piano skills were not as superb as the outside world said, she just knew how to play the piano coquettishly, so as to seduce men's hearts and souls, and everything she heard was a beautiful fairy sound.

Ruyu followed Xiang's mother to the piano room on the second floor, which is usually used for male guests to listen to the piano. At this time, there are no other guests in the hall, only Sima Changfeng is alone, and it is as ambiguous as a private room.

Ruyu, who was following Mama Xiang, stepped into the room with her forefoot, and immediately peeked at Sima Changfeng's appearance. As Mama Xiang said, he was young and handsome, and he was also a big benefactor. , made up his mind to grab this man's heart no matter what, even if he couldn't grab his heart once, he still had to grab his body.

Sima Changfeng's eyes also naturally fell on Ruyu's body. Seeing that he was dressed in fragrant clothes, with a charming and graceful figure, and his eyes were fixed on him with charming eyes, he immediately looked away, coughed dryly, and said, "Ruyu Good luck, girl."

Seeing that Xiang's mother had already retreated and closed the door, Ruyu immediately took the jug and cups on the table and sat down beside Sima Changfeng, pouring the wine with green hands. Can be intoxicating.

It's a pity that Sima Changfeng didn't look at it, he looked away unnaturally.

Ruyu pushed the wine cup in front of Sima Changfeng, and said delicately, "Master, why don't you look at Ruyu? Is Ruyu ugly?"

Sima Changfeng hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, Miss Ruyu is extremely beautiful, but, just—" He glanced sideways at her, wearing clothes, but seemed to be naked, with a vaguely beautiful body The passage was in front of him, he didn't dare to look at it, he always felt rude.

Ruyu covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "It seems that young master is shy, come here, young master, Ruyu will offer you a toast." She got up, and brought the wine glass to Sima Changfeng, seeing Sima Changfeng reaching out to take it, she again' He accidentally knocked over the cup in his hand, and Xiangchun's wine spilled all over him.

She hurriedly took off the veil and bent over to wipe it for him. When she bent down, her snow-white flesh was in front of his eyes, and even touched his nose and face.

(End of this chapter)

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