Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 937 Not even a decent piano

Chapter 937 Not even a decent piano

Chapter 948

She looked down and found that Sima Changfeng was ranked No. 30. It seems that the ranking has not been affected by the fact that he is the eldest son of Sima.

Sima Changfeng laughed loudly: "It seems that today's drink, you have ordered."

Not far from Caishikou, there is a restaurant with luxurious decoration and a three-story building, which can be regarded as a large restaurant in the entire East County.

Rong Yue pointed to a small wine shop across the street and said, "Where shall we go?"

Sima Changfeng didn't mind where he went, who he drank with was the most important thing.

He laughed and joked: "What? Want to save money on drinks?"

Rong Yue also smiled: "Yeah, I'm too shy."

The two went into the winery and sat down, ordered a few small dishes and two jugs of wine at random, after yesterday's accident, Rong Yue didn't dare to drink too much, she just took a few sips and continued to eat, seeing how much Sima Changfeng had Very drunk, he took the opportunity to ask: "Why did you participate in the piano competition?"

Sima Changfeng put down the chopsticks in his hand, and asked without answering, "Why did you participate in the piano competition?"

She smiled: "Of course it's for the qin. You know, I don't even have a decent qin."

He also laughed: "I really don't know what kind of piano can be worthy of you."

"Speaking of Qin, have you heard of Jinlang Baoqin?" Her smile deepened, and she asked casually, seemingly unintentionally.

He nodded: "Of course I know, the peerless qin handed down from ancient times." He also met once last month, how could he not know.

"What? Are you interested in Jinlang Baoqin?"

She raised her eyebrows: "Who in the world loves and admires the qin, who doesn't want to see the elegance of the qin?"

"That's true, but it's nothing special. It's just a qin without strings." He has seen the Jinlangqin countless times, and never once felt that there is anything special about this Jinlangqin. It doesn't even have strings, no matter how famous it is. What's the matter, I can't play a single sound.

"After the Jinlang Baoqin was repaired, why hasn't it been re-wound?" This is what she has always wondered.

Sima Changfeng shook his head: "I don't know, maybe this is the only way to reflect its value. If one day it is rewound, and the music played by it is not as good as ordinary pianos, then wouldn't it live up to its reputation in this life?" Why not just keep it mysterious and let people fall in love with it even more."

Rong Yue smiled and said: "I thought the winner of this piano competition would be Jinlang Baoqin, but it doesn't seem to be the case."

Sima Changfeng laughed and said: "Of course not, this golden Lang Baoqin is the family treasure of our Sima family. How could it be used as a lottery? It is absolutely impossible."

"However, I heard that the prize winner this time is also a very precious Baoqin, you will like it."

"Are you so sure that the final winner will be me?"

Sima Changfeng nodded very seriously: "It must be you, there is no other choice."

He looked at him with burning eyes, with three points of drunkenness, the light in his eyes flickered on and off, reflecting a young man with an ordinary face.

She has seen such burning eyes more than once, in Zhongwen's eyes looking at her, in Hengzhi's eyes, in Zhou An's eyes, and even in Yuandao's eyes, there is such a flame.

She frowned, feeling uneasy, this is not a good thing, besides he is still a man now.

Could it be that Sima Changfeng has a habit of breaking his sleeves?It doesn't look like that.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" She asked with a smile to hide her embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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