Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 938 Didn't I Give You Monthly Money?

Chapter 938 Didn't I Give You Monthly Money?
Chapter 949

Sima Changfeng came back to his senses, his handsome face was flushed, he raised his head to drink from the wine glass on the table, his smile was slightly bitter.

"Chu Yu, you are really a special person."

Rong Yue was puzzled: "Special? How special?"

He looked at her again, and his eyes became more and more burning: "You are really special, you are ordinary-looking, short and thin, but even if you stand in the crowd, you can be spotted at a glance, and you can't be moved. Open your eyes."

In fact, he also wanted to say that such an ordinary you can actually arouse my heart that has been silent for a long time, and generate those monstrous waves. , all out of control.

He even hated himself like this, how could he have such unreasonable thoughts about a man, it was too wrong, too shameful.

Rong Yue dryly smiled: "I think you're drunk, no matter, I'm full too, let's go back." She felt that she couldn't let him drink any more, and if he got two points drunk, maybe he would say something even more inappropriate rhetoric.

She took a silver coin and put it on the table, and got up to leave.

Just as she walked past him and was about to leave the winery, Sima Changfeng suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed her wrist tightly, and looked at her with perplexed and helpless eyes: "Chu Yu, Chu Yu , if you were a girl, how nice would it be?"

She hurriedly withdrew her hand: "It seems that you are really drunk, I have something to do, let's take a step first." She walked away quickly, so as not to see her embarrassment more.

When returning to the inn, Liang'er saw that Wang Hao's face was different, and asked quickly: "What happened? Did you lose the game?"

She shook her head, and her unsteady breath from brisk walking eased slightly: "No, Liang'er, remember, you must be more cautious in front of Sima Changfeng in the future, and don't let him see that we are daughters. It will cause more trouble."

Liang'er hurriedly nodded in response: "Your servant understands, the princess is at ease."

The two talked in a low voice, and Ying'er, who was resting on the bed, woke up at some point. Hearing the conversation between the two of them, her eyes were very puzzled.

Sima House

"Where is Changfeng? Every day, I can't find him anywhere, where did he go crazy?" Patriarch Sima asked Changfeng's personal servant.

The little servant shook his head: "Go home, the eldest son went out early in the morning, and he wouldn't let the younger one follow, and the younger one doesn't know where he went."

At this time, a young man in black walked in quickly, leaned closer to Patriarch Sima's son and said a few words in detail.

Patriarch Sima's face immediately became ugly, and he said angrily: "This unworthy thing, go early in the morning—" Thinking that there are outsiders around, Patriarch Sima stopped talking, didn't say anything, only glared at the The boy glanced at him and said, "Young master will come back later, let him go to the study to find me immediately."

The servant responded, seeing that the Patriarch had gone away, he breathed a sigh of relief, secretly worried for the Young Master, the Patriarch's complexion is not very good today, the Young Master may be in danger.

After a while, Sima Changfeng returned to the mansion. He was half drunk, but he was sober, but his body smelled of alcohol, and he showed a smirk from time to time. . .It's really worrying, if you go to see the Patriarch with this appearance, you will probably die even worse.

"A Bao, what are you doing with a frowning face? Didn't you get a monthly payment?"

Ah Bao helped him to sit down, made another cup of super strong tea and handed it over: "My lord, sober up quickly and change your clothes again, the master is waiting to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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