Chapter 939 A cup of strong tea

Chapter 950

"Has he been here?" He raised an eyebrow.

A Bao nodded: "I've been here, I just left for a while, and my complexion is not very good."

Sima Changfeng snapped: "When did he look better? When he sees me all day long, he either scolds or reprimands me."

Ah Bao hurriedly looked around and saw that no one heard him, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "My lord, you must never say such a thing, the master reprimanded you for your own good, please don't make him angry again gone."

"For my own good?" Sima Changfeng shook his head: "He's not doing it for my own good, he's afraid that I won't be able to take on the responsibility of being the Patriarch, and the person who loses him, if it's really for my own good, knowing what I don't want to do, and then How could you force me to do it?"

Hearing this, Ah Bao was even more frightened: "My son, you must never say such things in front of the master."

Sima Changfeng ignored him, took a sip of the freshly brewed tea, it was bitter and astringent, and he would definitely spit it out in normal times, but today he felt that the taste of this tea was similar to that in his heart. The depression was almost meaningless, and he drank a cup of strong tea in one go.

Seeing that he drank the tea, Ah Bao didn't complain about the bitterness of the tea, he felt relieved, the young master was not very drunk, this cup of strong tea can at least reduce his drunkenness by a third, and he will not be in front of the master in a while No more nonsense.

"Young master, the master told you to meet him in the study."

Sima Changfeng put down the teacup, and sighed: "Three meals a day, how long will this day be!" Helpless, helpless.

He got up, strode out of the courtyard, and walked to the study in the middle courtyard.

The study room is large, and there are two large bookshelves inside, one filled with books, and the other filled with all kinds of pianos.

A simple and majestic yellow pear wood desk was placed in front of the treasure shelf. Patriarch Baili stopped writing suddenly, looked at his son who had already walked to the table, and frowned slightly: "Going out early in the morning, where did you go to drink?" ?”

Sima Changfeng shrugged: "Of course you go to a restaurant to drink, where else can you go?"

Patriarch Sima threw the pen in his hand into the brush-washing jar, and looked him up and down with stern eyes: "I'm afraid I didn't go to an ordinary restaurant."

Sima Changfeng raised his eyebrows: "Father, where do you think your son went to drink?"

"Hongyanfang, did you go today or not?" Patriarch Sima asked.

Sima Changfeng was stunned, how did he know that he went to Hongyanfang today?

"Father, did you send someone to follow me?"

Patriarch Sima snorted coldly: "I'm not as free as you. Debang went to the street where Hongyanfang is located to do some business today, and I happened to see you coming out of Hongyanfang."

Sima Changfeng didn't believe it, how could it be such a coincidence that when he came out of Hongyanfang, he was not only bumped into by the lost Liang'er, but also by Debang by such a coincidence?

"Father, to be honest, did you also go to Hongyanfang? Is there a friend of yours there?"

Patriarch Sima slapped the table angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? Look at you, you look like a fool all day long, and you refuse to marry me, it's better now, I want a woman, go straight to the brothel , if the clan elders find out, do you know the consequences?"

Sima Changfeng looked helpless: "Father, don't think of people so dirty, I went to Hongyanfang to ask for a certificate, not what you think."

Patriarch Sima snorted coldly: "It's not bad to use your words to coax children. If you go to the brothel to drink flowers and wine early in the morning, what else can you ask for proof? What things need to go to the brothel to ask for proof? Come and let me listen to you. How long do I know."

 There will be [-] changes in the early morning of tomorrow, too many code words, finger pain, please find a way to relieve the pain, wait online, it is very urgent!

(End of this chapter)

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