Chapter 941

Chapter 952

Patriarch Sima immediately understood, that's right, he had indeed suspected Changfeng's hobby before.

Whose son didn't marry and have a baby at the age of sixteen or seventeen, but his son still refuses to marry at the age of 22, and usually treats women indifferently, which is simply unreasonable.

Speaking of which, it was really a good thing for his son to go to the brothel to drink flower wine, at least it proved that his son did not have the habit of breaking his sleeves.

Mrs. Sima said: "Why don't we find a chance to talk to him about the marriage, maybe this time he will agree."

"What Madam said is very true, as soon as the piano competition is over, find him a wife immediately."


Xijiang, Pear Blossom Valley.

Several girls in colorful clothes and straight black hair were washing their hair by the river. They tied the hem of their long skirts around their waists, rolled up their trousers, and stood on their white legs in the clear river water, washing their hair. They splashed water on each other and played with each other, and the silver bell-like laughter spread throughout the valley, which was more beautiful than the call of the oriole.

"Duoyi, don't run, stop quickly." Duofeng ran after Duoyi across the river, the sun fell on their slender and graceful figures, and two long shadows were drawn.

Duofeng stopped suddenly, covered her mouth with one hand, pointed to the river beach behind Duoyi with the other, and screamed: "There are dead people, there are dead people here."

Duoyi didn't believe it, and while walking back, he knew: "You lied to me again, I won't be fooled by you this time."

With bare feet, she stepped back step by step. No matter what Duofeng said, she ignored it until her slender hands and feet stepped on a soft palm.

That's right, it was the palm. When she stepped on it, she felt that palm grabbing her slender foot.

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to move her feet. When she was sure that the hand was no longer grabbing her feet, she slowly lowered her head and looked down.

She saw a person, oh no, it was two people, two men fell on the river beach, one was lying on his back, with stubble all over his face, about [-] years old, and the other was lying on his side, with black hair covering his face, unable to see From his appearance, it was only vaguely visible that there seemed to be an arrow stuck in the man's chest.

It was the first time Duoyi had seen such a scene at such a big age, his legs went limp in fright, and he collapsed to the ground.

Duofeng chased after him, helped Duoyi up and was about to leave when that hand suddenly grabbed Duoyi's feet again: "Help me, save us."

Duoyi was so frightened that she almost didn't faint, but Duofeng calmed down, and she said to the man: "Okay, okay, we'll call you right away, let go first, let go first."

As Duofeng said, he stretched out his hand to grab Duoyi's foot and pulled it out, but he pulled Duoyi's foot out easily. It seems that the man's strength is not strong.

The two sisters ran away as if to flee, and they returned to the river where the girls washed their hair.

Seeing the two running back in a panic, everyone surrounded Duoyi and asked questions.

"What's the matter with you? What happened?"

Duofeng pointed to the direction where he just ran, and said: "Over there, there are two men, one is still alive and seriously injured, and the other doesn't know whether he is dead or alive."

When everyone heard this, they immediately boiled over: "Is it really a man? How old is it? Is it good-looking?"

"Where is where? I'm going to see."

Duofeng hurriedly said: "Don't go, first go and inform the owner of the valley, and let the owner of the valley make a decision."

Although the girls were excited on their faces, they were still a little scared in their hearts. I heard from the old people that the men outside were very bad.

(End of this chapter)

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