Chapter 942

Chapter 953

They don't know how bad it is, they only know that the word bad must mean something bad.

The matter was quickly reported to the ears of the patriarch.

The owner of the Pear Blossom Valley is a young woman in her early 30s. When she heard about it, she immediately sent a few older men to check it out. If she was dead, she would find a place to bury her. After all, it is two lives to be treated by a doctor.

The two were carried into the valley. One had multiple fractures and hadn't had any water or rice for several days. He was extremely weak, but he was also a fortune teller. If he ate something to replenish his strength and took medicine for recuperation, he would be fine. The other person was in trouble. An arrow was shot in his chest, and the location happened to be the heart. The strange thing was that he didn't have a drop of blood on his body, and he was even alive.

Even the old doctor, who has practiced medicine in the Lihua Valley for many years, was amazed when she saw it. She dared not pull out the arrow, only thought that its life was too high, and it was very likely that if the arrow was pulled out, the person would die immediately.

After Tianhu woke up, he regained some strength, but the broken part of his leg was still very painful. Fortunately, he had been bandaged, otherwise he would have been in trouble.

He turned his head to look at Zhongwen who was lying on another bed, got off the bed with one leg, jumped to Zhongwen's bed, stretched out his hand and shook him: "Zhongwen, wake up, wake up quickly."

Zhongwen's face was pale and chapped, his lips were pale and chapped, and he was completely unconscious. He was terrified, no, Zhongwen would not die, absolutely not.

He put his fingers under Zhongwen's nose, although the breath was weak, but it was real, his heart was finally at peace, he was still alive, fortunately.

He also saw an arrow stuck in his chest, could it be because of this arrow that he couldn't wake up all the time?

Thinking of this, he held the arrow handle with his hand, and was about to pull it out, when a deep voice stopped him: "Don't pull it out."

He turned his head, and a woman in her forties walked in quickly, rushed forward and pulled Tianhu's hand away: "I can't pull it out, if you pull it out, he will die."

Tianhu frowned: "But if you don't pull it out, it's no different from him being dead. Are you a doctor? Do you have any way to save him?"

The woman said: "Aren't I thinking of a way? Before I think of a way, I must not pull it out, otherwise he will definitely die."

Tianhu didn't believe it, his brother was very sick, how could he die, absolutely not.

Tianhu said: "Can you wake him up?"

The woman nodded: "I just checked the medical books, and there is indeed a way to wake him up, I'll try it first."

Tianhu was speechless for a while, which doctor would check medical books before treating a disease?try?His brother is alive and well now, so don't give her a try.

"You, you have to be more careful." Tianhu could only whine in his stomach, who made them fall into trouble now, if only the younger siblings were here, what's the matter with this barefoot doctor?

The woman urged him to lie back on his own bed: "Go away, don't get in the way here."

How could Tianhu agree, so he just moved a stool and sat not far away to watch her.

The woman took out a needle bag, pulled out two silver needles from it, and stuck them into Zhongwen's Renzhong acupoint.

After a while, Zhong Hui's finger moved, and he exclaimed in surprise: "It moved, his hand moved."

Only then did the woman pull out the silver needle pierced into the Renzhong acupoint, and after a few more breaths, Zhongwen's closed eyes finally slowly lifted up, his eyes confused: "Am I dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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