Chapter 943
Chapter 954

Tianhu was so excited that he almost didn't cry: "You really want to die, but it's a pity that Lord Yan won't accept you, brat."

Hearing Tianhu's voice, he felt very kind, as long as he didn't die, as long as he didn't die, he could see Rongyue again and hug his daughter again.

His chest was in pain, as if a sharp knife had pierced his chest. He squinted and saw that there was indeed a feathered arrow stuck in his chest. Thinking of the scene before falling off the cliff, he really fell off the cliff because of this arrow.

It was really annoying, so he reached out to pull it out.

The woman was packing up the needle bag, but Tianhu didn't have time to jump up to stop it because of his inconvenient legs and feet. When he pulled it out, he pulled out the arrow directly.

The woman was stunned, looking at the feather arrow held by Zhong Wen, the arrow was still soaked in blood, but his chest did not spurt out blood as she expected.

She hurried to check the wound on his mouth, the dark red blood hole was in front of her eyes, she could even see the beating heart in the hole, and the wound on the heart that was injured by the sharp arrow.

Still not dead like this?She couldn't believe her eyes.

Not only did he not die, but he was still alive, and he didn't even bleed out a drop of blood. . . .

Tianhu was stunned for a while, then suddenly smiled and said: "Good brother, you really are doing well."

At the moment when the arrow was pulled out, Zhongwen's brain was suddenly filled with many images, and all the memories of the past 20 years flooded into his heart at that moment.

He suddenly had a splitting headache and unbearable heartache. He opened his mouth to say something, but he passed out before he could say anything.

Tianhu was shocked, and rushed forward to pat him on the cheek: "Zhongwen, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly, don't sleep, wake up quickly."

The woman pulled him away, and quickly examined Zhongwen's body. After taking his pulse, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "He is fine, he just fell asleep, his pulse is very stable, and his heartbeat is fine, don't worry. "

This is really a strange person, the woman got up and went out, she had to tell the patriarch the news quickly.

The place where Tianhu and Zhongwen live is called Forgotten Village. Outside the Lihua Valley, there are only ten houses in the village, and only three of the ten houses are inhabited. They live in one of them and the other two. Two old men, two old men, their house was locked, and food was brought to them every day.

The biggest difference between Tianhu and Zhongwen's residence is that the house is not locked, and they can come in and out at will.

Aunt Zhu came to the Wangqingju in the Pear Blossom Valley, where the patriarch Mrs. Hong lived.

"How are those two men?" Mrs. Hong put down the bird's nest in her hand, and glanced at Aunt Zhu who was standing respectfully in the room.

Aunt Zhu said: "Reporting to Mrs. Hong, they are all fine. One leg is broken and there are many bruises on his body. He can get out of bed now. The other one has an arrow in his chest and hurts his heart. I thought he would die, but unexpectedly It was a miracle that he survived."

Madam Hong raised her eyebrows: "A miracle?" She got up, took a few steps in the hall, and then asked, "How old are you? How do you look?"

Aunt Zhu hurriedly said: "One is in his thirties, described as rough and arrogant, but also domineering, and the other is in his twenties, tall and handsome, they are all Lianjiazi."

Madam Hong pursed her lips, with a slight smile on her face: "Our Pear Blossom Valley hasn't had any men from outside come here for a long time, maybe it's God's will."

Aunt Zhu said again and again: "This must be God's will. God knows what we need most in Pear Blossom Valley, so he sent it to us."

(End of this chapter)

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