Chapter 944 Xiuzhi

Chapter 955

In the evening, when Zhongwen woke up, Aunt Zhu brought in the soup that had just been boiled, and fed Zhongwen a spoonful of it with her own hands.

After drinking the medicine, Zhongwen thanked Aunt Zhu.

Aunt Zhu waved her hand and said with a smile: "No need, you are as old as my daughter, taking care of you is like taking care of my daughter."

As soon as the words fell, a girl in colorful clothes, with a beautiful face and a slender figure walked in carrying two food boxes.

"Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive. This is my daughter, Xiuzhi."

Xiuzhi entered the room, her face was flushed, she didn't dare to raise her eyes to look at anyone, she lowered her head and said, "Hello, young masters."

Zhongwen smiled and nodded: "Miss Lao Xiuzhi is here."

Xiuzhi's face became more and more red, she hurried to the table, put down the two food boxes, and peeked at the man her mother had mentioned.

Although she looked sick, she still couldn't hide her handsome face, and at such an age, her heart was about to jump out.

Zhongwen suffered severe chest pains, and after saying hello politely, he closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Tianhu at the other end joked towards Xiuzhi: "Miss Xiuzhi's face is about to catch fire."

Xiuzhi hurriedly lowered her head, turned sideways to avoid Tianhu's sight, her shameful head was almost stuffed into her chest.

Aunt Zhu laughed and said: "You two are making a joke. To be honest, there are many girls and boys in the Pear Blossom Valley. Xiuzhi is 19 years old this year, and she has never seen a man from outside." In fact, she has never seen a man in the valley.

Tianhu laughed, and said half jokingly and half seriously: "That's really a mistake. If I knew this day would come, we brothers shouldn't get married. It's a pity that we have a family now. No matter how good a girl is, it's always someone else. wife."

Aunt Zhu is a smart person, how could she not understand Tianhu's hint, she just wanted to tell them that the two of them are men who already have families, whether there is a shortage of men in the Pear Blossom Valley, it has nothing to do with them.

It's a pity that since they have arrived in Pear Blossom Valley, they can't decide everything by themselves.

Aunt Zhu didn't say much, she just asked Xiuzhi to put down the food and went out together.

After hearing the footsteps of the two walking away, Tianhu hurriedly jumped out of the bed with one leg, moved to Zhongwen's side, and said to Zhongwen, "Did you find out? This Aunt Zhu deliberately asked her daughter to show up in front of us." .”

Zhongwen hummed without raising his eyelids.

Tianhu was anxious: "What are you doing? You are talking."

Zhongwen opened his eyes, and glanced at Tianhu lightly: "What did you say?"

"tell me your opinion."

Zhongwen shook his head: "I don't have any opinion. They just came to deliver a meal. Even if they really have something in mind, what can we do now? Let's take a step and see."

What he said was true, his leg was broken, and Zhongwen was injured so badly that he might not recover in ten days and a half months, and he didn't know where this Pear Blossom Valley was, so what's the use of thinking too much?

Tianhu smiled and joked to Zhongwen: "I just saw that girl is very interesting to you, if they force you to marry her, will you agree?"

Zhongwen closed his eyes: "It's better to kill me. I only want Yueer as a woman in my life. I would rather die than do something wrong to Yueer."

Tianhu laughed, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously: "You kid, you look like a chaste and strong woman. If you lose your life because of this kind of thing, who cares about your younger siblings and Nianwen? You have to remember, everything is safe. When you have to, you must never die lightly, only by living can you bring happiness and protection to your loved ones."

(End of this chapter)

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