Rebirth of the miraculous doctor of counterattack

Chapter 945 That's Clearly the Eldest Princess

Chapter 945 That's Clearly the Eldest Princess
Chapter 956

It seems reasonable to say.

Zhongwen asked back: "Then if Mrs. Zhu has taken a fancy to you and asked you to follow her, would you be willing?"

Thinking of Aunt Zhu's old and decrepit appearance, Tianhu felt nauseated, but he couldn't say anything, so he smiled and said: "If she threatens my life, I will naturally follow, after all, leaving here alive is the most important thing yes, isn't it?"

Zhongwen didn't believe his nonsense, turned his head to look at the food on the table and said, "Hurry up and bring me food, I'm starving to death."

Tianhu limped and brought the food: "Aren't you afraid that they will poison you?"

Zhongwen sighed: "If they want to kill us, do they need to poison us?"

"Besides, even if we really need to take any medicine, we can only take it, otherwise we will die from starvation."

Who would have thought that the side-by-side king and Marquis Dingxi, who were infinitely beautiful, would end up in this situation, and I don't know what happened to Rong Yue now.

Three days later, Tianhu's leg injury also healed a lot. Aunt Zhu made him a crutch so that he could go out for a walk if he was bored.

Zhongwen's injury also healed very quickly, the wound has completely healed, but it is still aching.

Even though it was winter, the climate in Pear Blossom Valley was still very warm. The two sat in the courtyard basking in the sun, Tianhu's chattering contrasted sharply with Zhongwen's silence.

"Hey, I've said so much, have you heard it all?"

Zhongwen came back to his senses: "What did you say?"

Tianhu rolled his eyes: "What's the matter with you? Since you woke up, you have become taciturn. What are you thinking?"

Zhong Wen frowned: "I remembered something from the past, and some things made me very puzzled, and I couldn't figure it out."

Tianhu immediately became interested: "What's the matter? Tell me quickly!"

The two are close friends in life and death, there is no secret at all, and now they are in the same boat that may capsize at any time, so he has nothing to hide.

"I was thinking about Rongyue. When I saw her for the first time, I couldn't see clearly. I vaguely saw her figure walking towards me. It was clearly the eldest princess."

Tianhu frowned, what nonsense is he talking about?
"But later, when my eyesight recovered and I saw a completely different face, I realized that I was thinking too much."

In fact, many times, he regarded her as the eldest princess, and even after arriving, she and the eldest princess seemed to have melted into one.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Tianhu frowned, puzzled.

"Brother, do you believe that there are dead people in this world who come back to life?" He asked suddenly, this was the words he kept in his heart for three days.

Since he regained his memory after waking up, all the previous events, combined with the events after he lost his memory, he came to an astonishing conclusion.

Tianhu reached out to touch his forehead: "Are you okay? You're fine, how can you say such nonsense?"

Zhongwen was startled, is that nonsense?In other words, at least in Tianhu's view, this is simply impossible.

He smiled bitterly: "Maybe I'm thinking too much."

At this time, there was a slight noise outside the gate, and the two of them turned their heads to look, only to see a few girls in colorful clothes standing outside the loosely fenced courtyard, all of them shy and shy, looking at Zheng Zhongwen in the courtyard affectionately.

Zhongwen frowned, got up and went back to the house, not wanting to be a sight for others to watch.

Tianhu also got up, stretched his waist, and went back to the house with a cane.

The girls all showed disappointed expressions, stretched their necks and looked in, but they didn't see anything.

(End of this chapter)

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